This reporsitory contains the material for the workshop about gene expression regulation by transcription factors (TFs). Initially this was prepared for Oslo Bioinformatics Workshop Week 2022.
Instructors: Ieva Rauluseviciute and Jaime A. Castro Mondragon.
Slides for the complete presentation. Everything in this workshop should occupy attendees for about 3 academic hours.
For an exercise in this workshop we ask students to analyse several peak files using online tools.
A .pdf
document with output of exercise - dscovered motifs, known motifs, a bit of biology on analysed data.
IGV genome browser session is available together with its accompanying data from CUT&RUN publicly available data from Kaya-Okur HS et al., 2019.
In case you have any questions related to this repository, please contact the following persons:
Name | |
Ieva Rauluseviciute | |
Jaime A. Castro Mondragon | |