This repository holds the html files that are used to host Vapor's documentation github page.
We use the Sphinx documentation generator to produce the html for the website.
To reproduce this documentation locally, we recommend setting up a conda environment with the environment.yml file included in this repo. Once installed, the .rst files located in the docs/ directory can be edited to produce new html.
$ git clone
$ cd VaporDocumentationWebsite
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate VaporDocumentationWebsite
$ pip install sphinxcontrib-googleanalytics
$ pip install sphinx-copybutton
Once this conda environment has been configured, the html can be generated with the following steps.
- cd VaporDocumentationWebsite/docs
- make html
- cp -r html/* ../
Note that step 3 moves the html files from VaporDocumentationWebsite/docs/html to the root directory, VaporDocumentationWebsite. Without this step, github pages will not host the the html files.