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iGEM Software for 2021 UCAS-China

PART 1: Wechat App


This year, UCAS-China have built an application Caffeine-monitor based on WeChat mini-program platform, to help our users get a better handle on their caffeine intake amount (CIA).

The app can not only collect the coffee data detected by the hardware, but also can analyze the data and user behavior to give coffee-lovers reasonable suggestions. Three major modules have been included in our app to provide all-through functions.

Module 1: Collect

We collected health condition of registered users through the static form they submit and the real-time detected data of our hardware bracelets. And the coffee drinking history, including drinking time and drinking amount will be recorded in the app. A large database was created to store useful and convincing information, including smoking history, heart rate and sleep condition.

Module 2: Analyze

In the app, we analyze the user behavior to set and adjust upper limit of CIA according to users' own conditions. The recommended CIA is calculated by original algorithm, and currently we use the model built from common people. A new way of using machine learning and Backpropagation algorithm was also built to form an auto-adaptive upgrading process of the validity of recommending CIA value.

Module 3: Bluetooth

Bluetooth function was added to our app to transfer data to the hardware solution of our team, thus providing users a more convenient way to intake valid amount. We also decided to cooperative with major coffee sellers to provide our suggestions of coffee choice. After each time of experience, users’ feedback was collected to help our algorithm adjust arguments automatically.


  1. Using WeChat to scan the QR code in QRcode.jpg

  2. Main Interface:

    The data/evaluation method is based on whether you have logged in or not to select the general standard/personalized standard, the first time you open it, you will jump to the login interface.

    You can choose not to log in to continue to use, but can not get personalized services, the first is the WeChat login, if registered jump to the main interface, if not registered, you need to jump to fill out the basic information form, and then choose whether to record the day's work and rest as the standard.

    Add coffee records, one can interact with the hardware data through Bluetooth, etc., and another can choose the coffee drunk.

  3. Health:

    Connect with hardware to reflect your health through various indicators.

  4. Help:

    Inside you can view the basic settings, the instructions for use and get to know the development team

PART 2: Online Education Platform


This online education platform, iGEM Online is built for training iGEM freshmen. Aiming at training iGEM newcomers in a more efficient manner, we are working on developing an online education platform, iGEM EduHub, where schools are invited to share their training materials and collaborate to achieve high-quality and efficient training for new students.


We use standard HTML+CSS+Javascript to construct the pages and animate the elements.


we have made some prior plans for the platform. The platform consists of two main sections: the curricula and the forum. The curricula classification system is tentatively designed as follows:

  • Cellular Biology
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Basic Experiment Operations
  • Experiments in Synthetic Biology
  • Biophysical Modelling
  • Hardware for iGEM
  • Introduction to Python Programming
  • Programming in Biology
  • Webpage and Graphic Designing

The curricula system is based on our own training experience and most of the courses have been practiced in our teams with remarkable results. We are looking forward to sharing it with more schools to help more newcomers and veterans.

The forum section is built corresponding to various courses. Users can communicate around each curriculum and post their own topics.


So far, we have now completed the design of the platform's structure and user interface, and is working on having the website online and functional in the near future to provide a convenient, complete, professional and systematic educational platform for future training of newcomers to iGEM teams. We are also extremely open to all iGEM teams desiring to participate in the construction of this online education platform. Currently these aspects urges collaborating:

  1. Back-end development: provision of servers, configuration of the environment, deployment of forum software, domain name resolution, etc.
  2. Webpage design: functions of the website, page artwork design, etc.
  3. Curricula building: improvement of course system, sharing of course resources, etc.

Besides, we welcome any valuable suggestions related to the platform. UCAS-China welcomes any collaboration to render the idea of education sharing a reality.


This uploaded version provides a graphic overview for the online education platform. Click Online_Edu_Platform/home.html to preview the home page of the project.

File Structure

|--               # Readme
|-- Online_Edu_Platform     # Source code of Online Education Platform
|--      # Manual for Developers
|-- QRcode.jpg              # QR code to use the app
|-- cloudfunctions          # functions of cloud
|-- database_file           # database of app
|-- doc                     # report and design of app
|-- miniprogram             # Source code of the App
|   |-- app.js
|   |-- app.json
|   |-- app.wxss
|   |-- components
|   |-- dist
|   |-- ec-canvas
|   |-- images 
|   |-- pages               # Source code of different pages in app
|   |   |-- about_us
|   |   |-- addFunction
|   |   |-- bluetooth
|   |   |-- chooseLib
|   |   |-- coffee_detail
|   |   |-- databaseGuide
|   |   |-- deployFunctions
|   |   |-- feedback
|   |   |-- health
|   |   |-- heartrate
|   |   |-- heartrate_guide
|   |   |-- help
|   |   |-- history
|   |   |-- home
|   |   |-- index
|   |   |-- openapi
|   |   |-- out_coffee
|   |   |-- oxygen
|   |   |-- oxygen_guide
|   |   |-- privacy_contract
|   |   |-- recommand
|   |   |-- register
|   |   |-- routine
|   |   |-- setting
|   |   |-- sleep
|   |   |-- sleep_guide
|   |   |-- storageConsole
|   |   |-- userConsole
|   |-- sitemap.json
|   |-- style
|   |   `-- guide.wxss
|   |-- utils
|   |   `-- addmul.wxs
|   |-- weui-miniprogram
|-- package-lock.json
|-- package.json
`-- project.config.json