Generates an ordo (also known as directory) for a hierarchically organized set of Roman Catholic liturgical calendars.
Every year, hundreds of Catholics around the world spend possibly hundreds of hours each, compiling an ordo, a liturgical calendar of their country, diocese or religious institute, for the new liturgical year. Usually by hand.
Ordo is basically a combination of a set of closely related liturgical calendars, e.g. calendars of dioceses of one country or of houses of one province of some religious institute.
The task of compiling an ordo is extremely repetitive
and can be - completely or at least to a great extent -
automated. Let ordodo
do the heavy lifting for you!
Example output:
The current sample is a simple HTML page. Support for multiple output formats will be added later, with special focus on print-ready pdf output.
- liturgical calendar computing
- variants from proper calendars (with support for unlimited calendar levels)
- Gloria and Credo
- prefaces and the eucharistic prayer IV
- occasional parts of the Roman Canon
- Divine Office hints (Vespers, Compline, Daytime Prayer)
- votive masses
- burial masses
- occasional blessings and other rites
- support for other date-related directions (often "International day of ..., should be mentioned in the universal prayer")
is not really possible yet. But you can play with ordodo
nevertheless: install Ruby and Bundler, then clone ordodo
bundle install
in the project's root directory to install dependencies
and then execute ordodo
bundle exec ruby -Ilib bin/ordodo ...
$ ordodo myconfig.xml
generates ordo according to configuration in myconfig.xml
for the upcoming liturgical year. Definitely the most common
task you will use ordodo
Output is by default produced in directory ordo_YEAR
created in the current working directory.
$ ordodo myconfig.xml 2050
generates ordo for the year specified (which, of course, knows nothing about calendar updates which will probably happen in the meantime).
In the examples/
directory you can find a few example
configurations to start with.
's main user interface is it's configuration file.
Philosophy behind it:
ordo is prepared only once a year, and it's content is "mostly
the same". As a user you don't want to remember anything about
- this program used once a year - and it's controls and
settings. You want to set it up once
(or have someone set it up for you) - and then it should, if possible,
just work forever. Once a year you run ordodo
with the configuration from the last year, check that the output
is correct, send it to print. All done.
See examples/czech_republic.xml
for a complete and commented
configuration of an ordo for Czech dioceses.
It uses most features currently available, and mentions
those which are not used.
For calendar computations ordodo
relies on
calendarium-romanum. It also expects calendar data
in it's data format.
logo incorporates
a drawing of a dodo
by Pearson Scott Foresman. The drawing is in public domain.