Fusion provides state management and flexible persistence for Scala/Akka.
Add the following to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "net.asynchorswim" %% "fusion" % "1.1.3"
Add the following to ytour build.gradle
file within the dependencies
compile 'net.asynchorswim:fusion_2,12:1.1.3'
The first step in using fusion is to model your domain in terms of one or more
. An entity defines state and behavior and will map to either a single
Akka actor or a collection of actors.
For example, the following defines an entity that can be used to count the occurance of words in a sentence:
final case class WordCounter(count: Int) extends Entity[WordCounter] {
override def receive(implicit ctx: Context) = {
case CountWord(_) => applying(CountIncremented)
case QueryCount(_) => reply(couhnt); NoOp
override def applyEvent = {
case CountIncremented => copy(count = count + 1)
object WordCounter extends EntityCompanion[WordCounter] {
val empty = WordCounter(0)
final case class CountWord(word: String) extends Command with ShardingId { def id = word }
final case class QueryCount(word: String) extends ShardingId { def id = word }
case object CountIncremented extends Event
This enntity definition can then be used to create an Aggregate Root of word counters as follows:
implicit val timeProvider = SystemTimeProvider
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 second)
val words = system.actorOf(AggregateRoot.props[WordCounter](TransientEntity))
"The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain"
.split(" ")
.map(w => WordCounter.CountWord(w.toUpperCase))
.foreach(c => words ! c)
val c = words ? WordCounter.QueryCount("IN") // Returns Future[Int] that completes with "2"