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Liquidity is a language to program Smart Contracts for Tezos. It uses the syntax of OCaml, and strictly complies to Michelson security restrictions.
The Liquidity project contains:
- A compiler from Liquidity files (.liq extension) to Michelson
- A de-compiler from Michelson files (.tz extension) to Liquidity
- An evaluator of Michelson contracts
The Liquidity language provides the following features:
Full coverage of the Michelson language: Anything that can be written in Michelson can be written in Liquidity
Local variables instead of stack manipulations: values can be stored in local variables. The only restriction is that local variables do not survive to
, following the philosophy of Michelson to force explicite storage of values to limit reentrancy bugs. -
High-level types: types like sum-types and record-types can be defined and used in Liquidity programs.
The master
branch contains the latest stable release. The next
branch contains the upcoming version: the language on the next
branch is for experimentation, and features may be modified before the
next release.
Documentation can be found in docs/ and many examples are in the tests and tests/others directories.
All features of Michelson are supported in Liquidity. All tests from can be decompiled to Liquidity and recompiled to Michelson.
The current roadmap is:
Development of an online editor for Liquidity
Development of a proof assistant for Liquidity contracts