System on Chip design based on Nios® II processor with simulation.
These examples use ModelSim® and Quartus® Prime from Intel FPGA, GIT, Visual Studio Code, make sure they are installed locally on your computer before proceeding.
Grab a copy of this repository to your computer's local folder (i.e. C:\projects):
$ cd projects $ git clone
Use Visual Studio Code (VSC) to edit and view the design files:
$ cd soc-nios-sim $ code .
Click on the soc_nios.vhd file in the left pane to view its contents.
The example System on Chip design consists of:
- Nios® II processor
- On-Chip memory
- JTAG UART module
- Timer core
- Parallel I/O module
- System ID core
Run the Quartus® Prime Tool to build the Nios® II processor system, then:
- From the Quartus Menu, choose Tools -> Platform Designer
- Click: Close
- From the IP Catalog, double click on: "Nios II Processor" under the "Processor and Peripherals" category and the "Embedded Processors" sub-category
- Select Nios II/e Implementation
- Click: Finish
- From the IP Catalog, double click on: "On-Chip Memory (RAM or ROM)" under the "Basic Functions" category and the "On Chip Memory" sub-category
- In the Size section, change the Total memory size to: 49152 bytes
- Click: Finish
- From the IP Catalog, double click on: "JTAG UART" under the "Interface Protocols" category and the "Serial" sub-category
- Click: Finish
- From the IP Catalog, double click on: "Interval Timer" under the "Processor and Peripherals" category and the "Peripherals" sub-category
- Click: Finish
- From the IP Catalog, double click on: "PIO (Parallel I/O)" under the "Processor and Peripherals" category and the "Peripherals" sub-category
- Click: Finish
- From the IP Catalog, double click on: "System ID Peripheral" under the "Basic Functions" category, the "Simulation; Debug and Verification" sub-category and the "Debug and Performance" sub-category
- Click: Finish
- From Menu, choose System -> Create Global Reset Netwok
- In the System Contents view, connect the "clk" port of the "clk_0" clock source to the "clk" port of all other modules (by clicking on the bubble at the wire intersections)
- In the System Contents view, connect the "data_master" and the "instruction_master" ports of the "nios2_gen2_0" to the "s1" port of the "onchip_memory2_0" module
- In the System Contents view, connect the "data_master" port of the "nios2_gen2_0" to the "s1" port of the "pio_0" and the "timer_0" modules
- In the System Contents view, connect the "data_master" port of the "nios2_gen2_0" to the "Avalon Memory Mapped Slave" port of the "jtag_uart_0" module
- In the System Contents view, connect the "data_master" port of the "nios2_gen2_0" to the "control_slave" port of the "sysid_qsys_0" module
- In the System Contents view, connect the "irq" port of the "nios2_gen2_0" to the "irq" port of the "timer_0" then to the "irq" port of the "jtag_uart_0"
- In the System Contents view, double click in the "Export" field at the row "external_connection" under the "pio_0" module and hit the return key
- In the System Contents view, double click on the "nios2_gen2_0" core, under the "Vectors" tab, choose "onchip_memory2_0.s1" as the "Reset vector memory" and the "Exception vector memory"
- From Menu, choose System -> Assign Base Addresses
- Click: Finish
- In the save dialog box, browse to the "soc-nios" folder then click Open, and name the design as "nios_system.qsys" and click Save
- Click: Close
- When prompted to Generate now?, click Yes, under Create Simulation Model, Select VHDL then click Generate
- Click: Finish
Use the Quartus® Prime Tool to synthesis the processor design:
- From the Menu, choose File -> New Project Wizard
- Click: Next
- For the working directory, fill with: "path to your projects folder"/soc-nios/
- For the project name, fill with: soc_nios
- Click: Next
- Click: Next
- In the File name field, fill with: soc_nios.vhd
- Click: Add
- In the File name field, fill with: soc_nios.sdc
- Click: Add
- In the File name field, fill with: nios_system/synthesis/nios_system.qip
- Click: Add
- Click: Next
- From the Device family, choose: Cyclone IV E
- From Available devices, choose: EP4CE22F17C6
- Click: Next
- From Simulation, choose Tool Name: ModelSim-Intel and Format: VHDL
- Click: Next
- Click: Finish
- From the Menu, choose Processing -> Start -> Start Analysis & Elaboration
- Wait until the anaylsis completes
- From the Menu, choose Assignments -> Pin Planner
- Assign Location "R8" for the "clk" port
- Assign Location "J15" for the "rst" port
- Assign Location "L3" for the "leds[7]" port
- Assign Location "B1" for the "leds[6]" port
- Assign Location "F3" for the "leds[5]" port
- Assign Location "D1" for the "leds[4]" port
- Assign Location "A11" for the "leds[3]" port
- Assign Location "B13" for the "leds[2]" port
- Assign Location "A13" for the "leds[1]" port
- Assign Location "A15" for the "leds[0]" port
- Close the Pin Planner window
- From the Menu, choose Processing -> Start Compilation
- Wait until the design compilation completes
- Connect the FPGA Development Board (DE0-NANO) to the any USB port on your computer
- From the Taskbar, click the Device Programmer icon
- Click on "Hardware Setup..." and double-click "USB Blaster" then click Close
- Click "Add File...", browse to the folder "output_files" in the "soc-nios" folder, select the "soc_nios.sof" file and click Open
- Click Start to start programming the FPGA device connected to your computer
Writing a program to run on the Nios® II:
- From the Quartus® Prime Menu, choose Tools -> Nios II Software Build Tools for Eclipse
- When prompted for the Workspace, browse to "your projects folder"/soc-nios/software
- Click OK
- From the Nios II - Eclipse Menu, choose File -> New -> Nios II Application and BSP from Template
- For SOPC Information File name, browse to "your projects folder>/nios-system and open the SOPC Information File: nios_system.sopcinfo
- In the Project name field, type: hello_world
- In the Project template, select the "Hello World" template and click Finish
- In the Project Explorer view, expand "hello_world". Double-click "hello_world.c" to view the source code
- To build the project, select "hello_world", from the Menu, choose Project -> Build Project
- In the Project Explorer, select "hello_world". Right-click and choose Make Targets -> Build -> mem_init_generate then click Build
- To run the C program, select "hello_world", from the Menu, choose Run -> Run As -> Nios II Hardware
- In the Run Configurations dialog box, click the Target Connection tab, click Refresh Connections, then click Run
- The Nios II SBT for Eclipse downloads the program to the FPGA on the target board and executes the code
- The message “Hello from Nios II!” displays in the Nios II Console view
To simulate Nios® II:
- From the VSC View menu, choose Terminal, in the VCS Terminal, run:
$ cd .\nios_system\simulation\mentor $ copy ../../../software/hello_world/mem_init/nios_system_onchip_memory2_0.hex ../submodules $ vsim -do msim_setup.tcl
- In the Modelsim Transcript Window:
ModelSim> dev_com ModelSim> com ModelSim> elab VSIM> force -freeze sim:/nios_system/clk_clk 1 0, 0 {10000 ps} -r 20000 VSIM> force -freeze sim:/nios_system/reset_reset_n 0 0 VSIM> force -freeze sim:/nios_system/reset_reset_n 1 70000 VSIM> run 5 ms
- Check in ModelSim Transcript Window:
"Hello from Nios II!"