These are commonly usable Terraform Modules for the Open Telekom Cloud based on the awesome Terraform OTC Provider.
These modules are developed by iits-consulting - your Cloud-Native Innovation Teams as a Service!
You can import this whole repo as one module (quickstart) or utilize the modules individually (recommended for production).
We recommend this kind of terraform folder structure:
( optional) Set up a secure remote terraform state . Copy the backend output of that module to your
Add the project factory module
# System variables that have to be set for this example environment:
module "iits-otc-demo" {
source = "iits-consulting/project-factory/opentelekomcloud"
version = "1.0.2"
module "vpc" {
source = "iits-consulting/project-factory/opentelekomcloud//modules/vpc"
version = "1.0.2"
vpc_cidr = local.vpc_cidr
vpc_name = "vpc-otc-demo-dev"
stage_name = "dev"
vpc_subnet_cidr = local.vpc_cidr
vpc_subnet_gateway_ip = local.vpc_subnet_gateway_ip
There are some variables that occur on multiple modules. The ideas behind them are explained here.
The "context_name" variable should be a human-readable name of the project you are working on or the team you are provisioning infrastructure for.
The "stage" variable is utilized to distinguish between multiple mostly equal, but separate environments like "dev", " test", "qa", "prod".