This project wraps the Parse javascript and REST APIs for use in Appcelerator Titanium and Alloy projects.
Copy ti-parse.js and the parse library to your lib directory.
Copy the sync adapter in src/lib/alloy/sync/parse.js to app/lib/alloy/sync/parse.js
Setup your Parse credentials in config.json
"global": {
"parse_appid": "your-appid-here",
"parse_jskey": "your-jskey-here",
"parse_restkey": "your-restkey-here"
"env:development": {},
"env:test": {},
"env:production": {},
"os:android": {},
"os:blackberry": {},
"os:ios": {},
"os:mobileweb": {},
"dependencies": {}
- Require ti-parse in your app (maybe alloy.js)
Parse = require("ti-parse")(
applicationId: Alloy.CFG.parse_appid
javaScriptKey: Alloy.CFG.parse_jskey
This project makes use of rvm, guard, rake, coffeescript, and tishadow for building and testing.
Make the testapp:
rake wipe testapp appify
The project is partially spec'd. Please add more tests in src/spec
bundle install
bundle exec guard # will build the files (TODO: move this to Rake) - watches for edits in testing as well
rake testapp # will build a test app
rake appify # will create a stand-alone tishadow server for use in testing
rake clean # start over
tishadow spec # run the tests