Semantic role labeling is a task of identify the predicate-argument structure in a sentence. It basically consists of 4-subtasks
- Identification of Predicate
- Predicates can be of following types:
- Verbial
- Nomial
- Predicates can be of following types:
- Predicate Sense Disambiguation
- Argument identification
- Arguments can be of two types:
- Span based
- Dependency based: where only syntactic head of the argument span is identified.
- Arguments can be of two types:
- Argument classification
Most of the research works in SRL makes the following assumptions:
- Gold: Sentence boundary detection
- Gold: Sentence tokenized
- Gold: predicate location
In practical scenarios these assumptions does not hold and have a negative impact on the overall performance of a model.
Because of the complexity of the SRL task it is not always immediate to conclude that a particular model is State-of-the-Art. For example: Comparing a SRL model trained on x fine-tuned transformer model with a SRL model trained on y fine-tuned transformer model is not fair. Therefore, in this work we formalize the process of comparing different SRL models based on the following properties:
- Which dataset is used? CoNLL09, CoNLL05, CoNLL12, FrameNet
- Evaluation Metric: eval05, eval09
- compute predicate
- Computed predicate Sense: yes/NO
- Overall score: yes/no
- Separate score for predicate sense disambiguation?
- Separate score for argument classification?
- Whether syntax information is used in training SRL model?
- Type of Word embeddings used?
- Fine-tunned embeddings
- LMs
- Static embeddings
- LMs
- ElMO
- GLove
- Seena
- Fine-tunned embeddings
- Type of encoders
- BiLSTMS + Attentions
- NO encoder
- Model ensemble?
- [CoNLL2009]
- [CoNLL2005]
- [CoNLL2012]
- [UP2.0]
- [NAACL SUKI 2022] Is Semantic-aware BERT more Linguistically Aware? A Case Study on Natural Language Inference
- [Stanford CS224] Using Semantic Role Labeling to Combat Adversarial SNLI
- [ACL REPL4NLP 2020] Joint Training with Semantic Role Labeling for Better Generalization in Natural Language Inference
- [AAAI 2020] SemBERT: Semantics-aware BERT for Language Understanding
- [NAACL SemEval 2022] Hybrid Question Answering Using Semantic Roles
- [ACL FEVER 2022] A Semantics-Aware Approach to Automated Claim Verification
- [ACL Constraint 2022] Are you a hero or a villain? A semantic role labelling approach for detecting harmful memes.
- [Springer AI Law 2021] Populating legal ontologies using semantic role labeling
- [2018 ] Applying semantic role labeling and spreading activation techniques for semantic information retrieval
- [Proposition Acquisition with SRL]
- [Scientific Reports 2022] Computing semantic similarity of texts based on deep graph learning with ability to use semantic role label information
- [NAACL 2018] SRL4ORL: Improving Opinion Role Labeling using Multi-task Learning with Semantic Role Labeling
- [ Springer AI] Semantic role labeling for knowledge graph extraction from text
- [KONVENS 2022] Semantic Role Labeling for Sentiment Inference: A Case Study