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Institue of Artificial Intelligence - University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten

Popular repositories Loading

  1. Yolo-training-data-generator Yolo-training-data-generator Public

    This package can generate artificial training data for the yolo framework. All you need is a greescreen / cut image of your object.

    Java 18 4

  2. cerevoice_tts cerevoice_tts Public

    ROS package for CereVoice test to speech.

    C++ 4 2

  3. iki_web_tools iki_web_tools Public

    The robot web interface of Marvin using the components of the robot web tools effort.

    JavaScript 2

  4. Learning-from-demonstration-LAT Learning-from-demonstration-LAT Public

    Basic implementation of a kinestetic LFD application for Service-Robots

    C++ 2

  5. jaco-ros jaco-ros Public

    Forked from davetcoleman/jaco-ros

    Official ROS packages for JACO arm

    C++ 1 1

  6. ros_map ros_map Public

    Forked from DLu/ros_map

    ROS Users Map



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