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Handle ActiveRecord::DatabaseConnectionError #8

Handle ActiveRecord::DatabaseConnectionError

Handle ActiveRecord::DatabaseConnectionError #8

GitHub Actions / Rspec Tests - Rails 5.2 - sqlite succeeded Jan 8, 2024 in 0s

Rspec Tests - Rails 5.2 - sqlite ✅

Tests passed successfully

✅ test_results/rspec.xml

96 tests were completed in 639ms with 96 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
rspec 96✅ 639ms

✅ rspec

  ✅ PersistentEnum refuses to create a table in a transaction
  ✅ PersistentEnum with an enum model returns all values from the database
  ✅ PersistentEnum with an enum model is immutable
  ✅ PersistentEnum with an enum model behaves like acts like a persisted enum looks up each value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with an enum model behaves like acts like a persisted enum returns all values from the cache
  ✅ PersistentEnum with an enum model behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from enum value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with an enum model behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from constant name
  ✅ PersistentEnum with an enum model behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from ordinal
  ✅ PersistentEnum with an enum model behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created with null foreign key
  ✅ PersistentEnum with an enum model behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can not be created with invalid foreign key
  ✅ PersistentEnum with an enum model behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can not be created with invalid foreign constant
  ✅ PersistentEnum with a validation on the model does not admit invalid values
  ✅ PersistentEnum with a validation on the model with existing invalid values does not admit invalid values
  ✅ PersistentEnum with a table-less enum behaves like falls back to a dummy model without rake defined raises the error directly
  ✅ PersistentEnum with a table-less enum behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined warns that it is falling back
  ✅ PersistentEnum with a table-less enum behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined makes a dummy model
  ✅ PersistentEnum with a table-less enum behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined initializes dummy values correctly
  ✅ PersistentEnum with a table-less enum with rake defined behaves like acts like an enum looks up each value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with a table-less enum with rake defined behaves like acts like an enum returns all values from the cache
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data caches required values
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data caches all values
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data loads all values
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data caches required ordinals
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data caches all ordinals
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data loads all ordinals
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data respects initial value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data respects existing value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data marks existing model as non-active
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data behaves like acts like a persisted enum looks up each value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data behaves like acts like a persisted enum returns all values from the cache
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from enum value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from constant name
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from ordinal
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created with null foreign key
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can not be created with invalid foreign key
  ✅ PersistentEnum with existing data behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can not be created with invalid foreign constant
  ✅ PersistentEnum with cached constants caches all the constants
  ✅ PersistentEnum with complex constant names caches the constant name as we expect
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields warns if nonexistent attributes are provided
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash keeps outdated data
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash behaves like acts like a persisted enum looks up each value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash behaves like acts like a persisted enum returns all values from the cache
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from enum value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from constant name
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from ordinal
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created with null foreign key
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can not be created with invalid foreign key
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can not be created with invalid foreign constant
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash behaves like acts like a persisted enum with extra fields has all expected members with expected values
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash when reinitializing uses the same constant
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash when reinitializing handles a change in an attribute
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields providing a hash when reinitializing handles a change in enum constant by replacing
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields using builder interface behaves like acts like a persisted enum looks up each value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields using builder interface behaves like acts like a persisted enum returns all values from the cache
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields using builder interface behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from enum value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields using builder interface behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from constant name
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields using builder interface behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from ordinal
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields using builder interface behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created with null foreign key
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields using builder interface behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can not be created with invalid foreign key
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields using builder interface behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can not be created with invalid foreign constant
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields using builder interface behaves like acts like a persisted enum with extra fields has all expected members with expected values
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields with closed over builder can reinitialize with a changed value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields without table behaves like falls back to a dummy model without rake defined raises the error directly
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields without table behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined warns that it is falling back
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields without table behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined makes a dummy model
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields without table behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined initializes dummy values correctly
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields without table with rake defined behaves like acts like an enum looks up each value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields without table with rake defined behaves like acts like an enum returns all values from the cache
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields without table with rake defined behaves like acts like an enum with extra fields has all expected members with expected values
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields with missing required attributes behaves like falls back to a dummy model without rake defined raises the error directly
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields with missing required attributes behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined warns that it is falling back
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields with missing required attributes behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined makes a dummy model
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields with missing required attributes behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined initializes dummy values correctly
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields with missing required attributes with rake defined warns that the required attributes were missing
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields with attributes with defaults allows defaults to be omitted
  ✅ PersistentEnum with extra fields with attributes with defaults with non-default existing values asserts the defaults when omitted
  ✅ PersistentEnum with the name of the enum value column changed behaves like acts like a persisted enum looks up each value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with the name of the enum value column changed behaves like acts like a persisted enum returns all values from the cache
  ✅ PersistentEnum with the name of the enum value column changed behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from enum value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with the name of the enum value column changed behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from constant name
  ✅ PersistentEnum with the name of the enum value column changed behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created from ordinal
  ✅ PersistentEnum with the name of the enum value column changed behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can be created with null foreign key
  ✅ PersistentEnum with the name of the enum value column changed behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can not be created with invalid foreign key
  ✅ PersistentEnum with the name of the enum value column changed behaves like acts like a persisted enum a referring model can not be created with invalid foreign constant
  ✅ PersistentEnum without an index on the enum constant behaves like falls back to a dummy model without rake defined raises the error directly
  ✅ PersistentEnum without an index on the enum constant behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined warns that it is falling back
  ✅ PersistentEnum without an index on the enum constant behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined makes a dummy model
  ✅ PersistentEnum without an index on the enum constant behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined initializes dummy values correctly
  ✅ PersistentEnum without an index on the enum constant with rake defined warns that the unique index was missing
  ✅ PersistentEnum without a unique index on the enum constant behaves like falls back to a dummy model without rake defined raises the error directly
  ✅ PersistentEnum without a unique index on the enum constant behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined warns that it is falling back
  ✅ PersistentEnum without a unique index on the enum constant behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined makes a dummy model
  ✅ PersistentEnum without a unique index on the enum constant behaves like falls back to a dummy model with rake defined initializes dummy values correctly
  ✅ PersistentEnum without a unique index on the enum constant with rake defined warns that the unique index was missing
  ✅ PersistentEnum with an empty constants array looks up the existing value
  ✅ PersistentEnum with an empty constants array caches the existing value