The name togs stands for trivial OGR-based geocoding server, and togs is just that. It takes a number of OGR readable feature files (ESRI shapefiles, GeoJSONs, etc.) and turns them into Nominatim -like searchable intefaces.
Togs has been built to provide search functionality for planetary maps built with VTS 3D geospatial software stack atop of IAU planetary nomenclature files but it may be readily used with other libraries and tools.
To install locally, do:
$ npm install togs
Now edit the togs configuration file at $(npm root)/togs/conf/togs.conf
include definition of your geocoding interfaces.
Togs comes with an example dataset, a GeoJSON containing a list of power plants in the state of Washington. The corresponding interface is configured as follows:
; path to the dataset
dataset = ./datasets/GIS_Layer__PowerPlants_WA.geojson
; property uniquely identifying each feature
idProperty = UTILITY_ID
; properties matching this regexp shall not be indexed
searchExclude = ^Latitude|Longitude$
; templates for some of the response entry values
displayName = {PLANT_NAME}, {UTILITY_NA} ({primary_fu})
addressRegion = {PLANT_NAME}
addressState = {UTILITY_NA}
The most important parts of this configuration are the path to the dataset
(relative to $(npm root)/togs
), the property considered to be feature ID
) and the template for display name (displayName
). In
all templates, property names enclosed in braces are expanded to their
corresponding values when geocoder response is formed.
You can start the server as follows:
$ $(npm root)/.bin/togs
Pointing your browser to
will give you the following output:
"lon": -120.75305600043436,
"lat": 47.13916700003981,
"boundingbox": [
"display_name": "Swauk Wind LLC, Gamesa Wind US LLC (WND)",
"class": "landuse",
"type": "industrial",
"importance": 1,
"icon": null,
"address": {
"region": "Swauk Wind LLC",
"state": "Gamesa Wind US LLC"
"place_id": null,
"osm_type": null,
"licence": null,
"osm_id": null
Nominatim geocoding interface is OSM specific. Togs input files are not
OSM, thus togs can only mimic Nominatim output format: place_id
and osm_id
are all set to null in togs output.
Togs relies on elasticlunr for in-memory indexing and stores every dataset in memory in its entirety. It won't scale to very large datasets.
Currently, JSON is the only supported output format, though adding support for XML is probably trivial.
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ node bin/togs