Revised for Terraform AzureRM v3.25.0 with Terraform v1.3.1
N-Tier architecture service with a jumphost and a NAT instance. NAT instance is used for SNATing outbound from VMs in app-subnet.
Other samples:
Following samples are not tested with latest Terraform.
- AKS Sample
- PaaS (App Service + SQL DB) samples
- IoT samples
- Jmeter environment sample
- DevOps environment sample
Download and install terraform:
It is recommended to use azure-cli or managed service identity (MSI) for authentication.
Update variables such as subscription_id
and admin_name
Run following command to get a service principal info. Note that if you have multiple subscriptions then you should set right default subscription.
az account set -s <subscription_id>
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/<subscription_id>"
You don't need to create SP if you're using Azure CLI environment, such as Azure Shell. See Authenticating using the Azure CLI for more information
You can also enable MSI to run terraform witout SP on your Azure VM. See Authenticating using managed identities for Azure resources and please refer (MSI documentation)[] for how to setup MSI.
Initialize first,
terraform init
Then apply terraform
terraform apply
- VM login - ssh public key or password
- Disk - OS disk with >30GiB and datadisk
- OS image - default or custom image for building custom image, refer packer
- Create multiple VMs
- Setting LB
- NAT Gateway - no more NAT instance
- ASG - create and apply ASG
- Blob - create blob account and upload a file
For more information, please refer
After provisioned, login to one of app
vm through jump box and test source ip using following command
terraform syntax:
lb-pool associate vms: hashicorp/terraform#13663