本仓库维护目前已知的 MS Office 漏洞,欢迎大家提交 pull request
- CVE-2017-0199
- thom-s/docx-embeddedhtml-injection - This PowerShell script exploits a known vulnerability in Word 2016 documents with embedded online videos by injecting HTML code into a docx file, replacing the values of all pre-existing embeddedHtml tags
- webSettings.xml 获取 NTLM SSP hash
- Shellntel/luckystrike - A PowerShell based utility for the creation of malicious Office macro documents
- cldrn/macphish - Office for Mac Macro Payload Generator
- sevagas/macro_pack - a tool used to automatize obfuscation and generation of MS Office documents
- Mr-Un1k0d3r/MaliciousMacroGenerator - Malicious Macro Generator (支持VM检测)
- Pepitoh/VBad - VBA Obfuscation Tools combined with an MS office document generator
- decalage2/oletools - python tools to analyze MS OLE2 files
- egaus/MaliciousMacroBot - malicious office documents triage tool