Solution is API built with framework FastAPI.
python 3.11 direct link
Project can be deployed in two ways:
- In docker
- For development
In both cases first should be done some preparations:
Create virtual env
python -m venv env
Activate virtual enviroment and install required packets
pip install -r requirements.txt
(or use other activate script in the same folder)
Use this command to exit virtual environment
docker-compose up --build
in rabbitmq folder to start RabbitMQ service from docker.
- login: rmuser
- password: rmpassword
- Enshure that you're using console with enabled virtual env
- Enshure that RabbitMQ is running
- Use "python src/" command to start server
All done! Now you can use Postman or other program to check it out.
Run this comand with enabled virtual env
pytest -v tests/
docker-compose up
Api swagger docs located on address