This is lightweight cats-effect and fs2 IO wrapper for latest datastax 4.x driver.
Why 4.x?
4.x was re-written in immutable first design, within async first API, optimizations, less allocations, metrics improvements, and fully compatible with cassandra 3.x
- Be safe, type-safe.
- Be fast
- use minimal allocations
- minimize resources and abstractions overhead over original datastax driver, which is good
import com.ringcentral.cassandra4io.CassandraSession
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession
import cats.effect._
val builder = CqlSession
.addContactPoint(InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved("localhost", 9042))
def makeSession[F[_]: Async: ContextShift]: Resource[F, CassandraSession[F]] =
package com.ringcentral.cassandra4io.cql
introduces typed way to deal with cql queries
import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.syntax.all._
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.ConsistencyLevel
import com.ringcentral.cassandra4io.CassandraSession
import com.ringcentral.cassandra4io.cql._
case class Model(id: Int, data: String)
trait Dao[F[_]] {
def put(value: Model): F[Unit]
def get(id: Int): F[Option[Model]]
class DaoImpl[F[_]: Sync](session: CassandraSession[F]) extends Dao[F] {
private def insertQuery(value: Model) =
cql"insert into table (id, data) values (${}, ${})"
private def selectQuery(id: Int) =
cql"select id, data from table where id = $id".as[Model]
override def put(value: Model) = insertQuery(value).execute(session).void
override def get(id: Int) = selectQuery(id).select(session).head.compile.last
this syntax reuse implicit driver prepared statements cache
import cats.effect.Sync
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.jdk.DurationConverters._
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.ConsistencyLevel
import com.ringcentral.cassandra4io.CassandraSession
import com.ringcentral.cassandra4io.cql._
case class Model(id: Int, data: String)
trait Dao[F[_]] {
def put(value: Model): F[Unit]
def get(id: Int): F[Option[Model]]
object Dao {
private val insertQuery = cqlt"insert into table (id, data) values (${Put[Int]}, ${Put[String]})"
private val selectQuery = cqlt"select id, data from table where id = ${Put[Int]}".as[Model]
def apply[F[_]: Sync](session: CassandraSession[F]) = for {
insert <- insertQuery.prepare(session)
select <- selectQuery.prepare(session)
} yield new Dao[F] {
override def put(value: Model) = insert(,
override def get(id: Int) = select(id).config(_.setExecutionProfileName("default")).select.head.compile.last
Cassandra4io is released under the Apache License 2.0.