to take input from user and calculate the price java code /**
- Add your package below. Package name can be found in the project's AndroidManifest.xml file.
- This is the package name our example uses: */ package;
import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.StringCharacterIterator;
This app displays an order form to order coffee. */ public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { int quantity=0; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); }
This method is called when the order button is clicked. / public void submitOrder(View view) { int price = quantity5; String pricemessage= "Total:" + "$" + price + "\nThank You!"; displayMessage(pricemessage); } public void increment(View View) { quantity=quantity+1; display(quantity); } public void decrement(View View) {
quantity=quantity-1; display(quantity); }
- This method displays the given quantity value on the screen. / private void display(int number) { TextView quantityTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; quantityTextView.setText("" + number); } /*
- This method displays the given price on the screen. / private void displayPrice(int number) { TextView priceTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; priceTextView.setText(NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(number)); } /*
- This method displays the given text on the screen. */ private void displayMessage(String message) { TextView priceTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; priceTextView.setText(message); } }