This repository contains my solution coded in Java for the ACM Distributed Event-Based Systems Grand Challenge (DEBS GC) 2017. The problem statement can be viewed here
Arriving at the solution involves a good grasp of the following concepts:
- Semantic Web data model
- Resource Description Framework (RDF) / Turtle serialization
- Triple stores
- Ontologies (OWL)
- Machine Learning
- Probability / Markov models
- Clustering algorithms (k-means)
The following technologies/frameworks were involved in developing and evaluating the solution:
- Java 8 (collections, streams, threading)
- Apache Maven (build tool)
- RabbitMQ (message broker)
- Docker
The solution is benchmarked for accuracy and performance on the HOBBIT platform. Benchmarked results for this solution can be viewed here (requires registration on the HOBBIT project).
My alternative implementation in Python 3.6 is available here