Resources and training on how to use Git and GitHub
Students get free accounts called Student Developer Pack. This has a lot of great features, but the most important one is the ability to make free private repositories. This allows for work-in-progress version control without exposing it to the outside world pre-publication.
For anyone who doesn't want to use command line GitHub, here is a desktop application by GitHub for drag-and-drop as well as file searching capabilities to use the system.
There are a ton of videos and tutorial material out there. Here are some that I found helpful as we figure out the precise requirements for the use of this tool we can add content.
[What is GitHub?] (
[Using GitHub] (
Here is the "Hello world" of GitHub. This is a tutorial to take you through the basics of using GitHub.
Here is the beginners guide to GitHub. It start by walking you through the basic web interface and move to sharing and creating branches of code, etc.
[Markdown syntax] ( [GitHubs Markdown Page] ( [Markdown Turorial] (
I thought the intro music was funny especially if you are watching the videos at 1.5-2x speed
As time goes on, this will list tutorials, resources, and tips-and-tricks for using GitHub in research and as part of the Immunomethylomics Working Group.