These modules let you track the departure times of Munich's public transport system. The output can either be to the console, to a 4d7s display or to an 8d7s display:
Using the Raspberry Pi to check Munich's public transport system with a common anode 4 digit 7 segment display (4d7s display)
Using the Raspberry Pi to check Munich's public transport system with a MAX7219 8 digit 7 segment display (8d7s display)
For information on how to build one yourself, follow the guide on Instructables (coming soon...)
These scripts use the Command Line Interface (CLI) from rmoritz's project rmoriz/mvg-live to get the information from the mvg and filters it.
As per his
file, to install his rubygem you need to run:
gem install mvg-live
If you get an error that says 'mkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby'
try doing what it says on this stackoverflow page, i.e. run this command in the bash shell:
sudo apt-get install ruby`ruby -e 'puts RUBY_VERSION[/\d+\.\d+/]'`-dev
You can check if it was correctly installed by runningn mvg hauptbahnhof
in the terminal. If you got a timetable, you're all set.
First, run: sudo raspi-config
and make sure that SPI is enabled on your Raspberry Pi
Another package is required if you want to use the 8d7s displays with the MAX7219 chip; rm-hull/luma.led_matrix
Installing it is pretty straightforward, first you need to clone it into your Raspberry Pi
git clone
Then open a terminal, go to that directory and run
sudo python install
Open a python interactive shell and try to import it:
import luma
If you didn't get any errors, you're good to go.
Follow the guide on the (Instructables)[] page
python module can be run directly from the bash shell and uses the other modules. Make sure it's executable on your raspberry Pi. If you're not sure, just run chmod +x
The -h
argument prints out the help for the command line interface:
./ -h
usage: [-h] [--display_digits DISPLAY_DIGITS] --station STATION
[--line [LINE]] [--dest [DEST]] [--min_t MIN_T]
[--max_t MAX_T] [--screen_timeout SCREEN_TIMEOUT]
[--update_interval UPDATE_INTERVAL]
MVG inputs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--display_digits DISPLAY_DIGITS
Number of digits suported by the display. 0 (DEFAULT)
= Print to console, 4 = 4d7s display, anything else =
combination of 8d7s displays
--station STATION Station to check
--line [LINE] Public transport type. The recognized values are: [u]
Ubahn, [s] Sbahn, [tram] Tram & [bus] Bus
--dest [DEST] Final stop of the lines
--min_t MIN_T Minimum departure time
--max_t MAX_T Maximum departure time
--screen_timeout SCREEN_TIMEOUT
Minutes to display the results, negative values = no
--update_interval UPDATE_INTERVAL
Seconds that pass between updates of the departure
So some example commands would be:
- if
is <=0 it will print to the console:
`./ --station Olympiazentrum --line u --display_digits 0 --screen_timeout 1
- if
is ==4 it will print to the 4d7s display:
./ --station Olympiazentrum --line u --display_digits 4 --screen_timeout 1
- if
is anything else, it will print to the 8d7s display:
./ --station Olympiazentrum --line u --display_digits 8 --screen_timeout 1