Via Composer
$ composer require imonroe/ana
use imonroe\ana\Ana;
$formatted_date = Ana::standard_date_format(strtotime('yesterday'));
if (Ana::even_or_odd(2) == 'even'){
// do something
if (Ana::is_valid_link('')){
// link is valid and curl-able
// grab a file from the web and save it to a text file.
Ana::create_file('sample.txt', Ana::quick_curl(''), true);
All methods are static.
- standard_date_format($timestamp = '')
- sql_datetime($timestamp = '')
- google_datetime($timestamp = '')
- is_today($date_string)
- sooner_than($date_string)
- later_than($date_string)
- print_relative_date($date)
- fatal_handler()
- dd($var)
- array_unique_multi($arr)
- array_sort_by_column(&$arr, $col, $dir = SORT_ASC)
- object_to_array($object)
- build_tree($flat, $pidKey, $idKey = null)
- csv_to_array($filename='', $delimiter=',')
- plural($quantity)
- word_limit($haystack, $ubound)
- convert_to_utf($input)
- plain_text($input)
- trim_string_to_length($str, $len)
- use_a_or_an($text)
- even_or_odd($number)
- random_number($lowbound = 1, $highbound = 100)
- random_hex($bytes = 8)
- generateStrongPassword($length = 9, $add_dashes = false, $available_sets = 'luds')
- create_nonce()
- current_page_url()
- get_url_segment($number)
- is_valid_link($link)
- quick_curl($link)
- get_ip()
- submit_post_request($url, $data)
- loading_spinner()
- code_safe_name($string)
- cast($destination, $sourceObject)
- ask_user($prompt)
- say($msg)
- error_out($msg)
- create_directory($directory_path, $perms = 0777)
- remove_directory($path)
- create_file($file_path_and_name, $file_content, $overwrite = false)
- append_file($file_path_and_name, $file_content, $overwrite = false)
- get_url_and_save($fully_qualified_url, $filename)
- read_file_to_string($filename)
- get_directory_list($directory_path)
- execute($cmd)
- get_arguments()
- replace_line_in_file(String $filename='', String $line_to_change='', String $change_to='')
- replace_and_save($oldFile, $search, $replace, $newFile = null)
- us_states()
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
$ composer test
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