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project_name [OM]: GEM Model for OASIS (test)
project_slug [GEMModelforOASIS(test)]: gemoasismodel
project_short_description [Oasis Model]: A GEM Model for the OASIS framework
project_maintainer [<full name of primary project maintainer>]: GEM Foundation
project_maintainer_email [<primary GitHub account email of primary project maintainer>]:
version [0.0.1]: 
primary_language [Python]: 
organization [OasisLMF]: GEM Foundation
model_identifier [OM]: GMO
model_version []:

GEM Foundation GMO Model README

Installing and running the model

The easiest way to test the model is under the oasislmf python package. If you have access to a unix computer, this can be done as follows:

pip install oasislmf
git clone
cd oasis-test/model_data/GMO
cd ../..

This will place output in the folder runs. You can change the model settings, including the exposure used for input, by editing the file mdk-oasislmf-gem.json

Cloning the repository

You can clone this repository using HTTPS or SSH, but it is recommended that that you use SSH: first ensure that you have generated an SSH key pair on your local machine and add the public key of that pair to your GitHub account (use the GitHub guide at Then run

git clone --recursive git+ssh://

To clone over HTTPS use

git clone --recursive

The --recursive option ensures the cloned repository contains the oasis_keys_server submodule. You have read only access to this submodule.

Managing the submodules

There are three submodules - src/oasis_keys_server which contains the Flask app that handles the keys requests dispatched to the model lookup services, src/oasis_utils which contains various Python utilities used by the Flask app and also the model lookup services, and oasis_build_utils, which contains a Bash script and utilities for building keys server Docker images and running them in Docker containers.

Run the command

git submodule

to list the submodules (latest commit IDs, paths and branches). If any are missing then you can add them using

git submodule add <submodule GitHub repo URL> <local path/destination>

It is a quirk of Git that the first time you clone a repository with submodules they will be checked out as commits not branches, which is not what you want. You should run the command

git submodule foreach 'git checkout master'

to ensure that the Oasis submodules are checked out on the master branches.

If you've already cloned the repository and wish to update the submodules (all at once) in your working directory from their GitHub repositories then run

git submodule foreach 'git pull origin'

You can also update the submodules individually by pulling from within them.

You should not make any local changes to these submodules because you have read-only access to these submodules on GitHub and you will not be able push your changes to GitHub. So submodule changes can only propagate from GitHub to your local repository. To detect these changes you can run git status -uno and to commit them you can add the paths and commit them in the normal way.

Building and running a keys server

First, ensure that you have Docker installed on your system and that your Unix user has been added to the docker user group (run sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER).

To build a keys server run the command

sudo docker build -f <docker file name> -t <image name/tag> .

Run docker images to list all images and check the one you've built exists. To run the image in a container you can use the command

docker run -dp 5000:80 --name=<container name/tag> <image name/tag>

To check the container is running use the command docker ps. If you want to run the healthcheck on the keys server then use the command

curl -s http://<server or localhost>:5000/GEMFoundation/<model ID>/<model version>/healthcheck

You should get a response of OK if the keys server has initialised and is running normally, otherwise you should get the HTML error response from Apache. To enter the running container you can use the command

docker exec -it <container name> bash

The log files to check are /var/log/apache/error.log (Apache error log), /var/log/apache/access.log (Apache request log), and /var/log/oasis/keys_server.log (the keys server Python log). In case of request timeout issues you can edit the Timeout option value (in seconds) in the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/oasis.conf and restart Apache (service apache2 restart).

Testing the keys server

The ./src/oasis_keys_server submodule contains a set of Python test cases which you can run against a locally running keys server for a defined model. The tests require configuration information which can be found in an INI file KeysServerTests.ini located in ./tests/keys_server_tests/data/<model ID>. If this subfolder and file does not exist then you will have to create it. The file should define some files and keys server properties needed to run the tests.


MODEL_VERSION_FILE_PATH=/path/to/your/GEMFoundation/tests/keys_server_tests/data/<model ID>/ModelVersion.csv


SAMPLE_CSV_MODEL_EXPOSURES_FILE_PATH=/path/to/your/GEMFoundation/tests/keys_server_tests/data/<model ID>/<model loc. test CSV file>

SAMPLE_JSON_MODEL_EXPOSURES_FILE_PATH=/path/to/your/GEMFoundation/tests/keys_server_tests/data/<model ID>/<model loc. test JSON file>



Make sure the paths exist and the server hostname/IP and port are correct. Then copy the INI file for the model (./tests/keys_server_tests/data/<model ID>/KeysServerTests.ini) to ./src/oasis_keys_server/tests and then run

python -m unittest -v KeysServerTests

You should see the tests passing

test_healthcheck (KeysServerTests.KeysServerTests) ... ok
test_keys_request_csv (KeysServerTests.KeysServerTests) ... ok
test_keys_request_csv__invalid_content_type (KeysServerTests.KeysServerTests) ... ok
test_keys_request_json (KeysServerTests.KeysServerTests) ... ok
test_keys_request_json__invalid_content_type (KeysServerTests.KeysServerTests) ... ok

Ran 5 tests in 0.250s


To run individual test cases you can use

python -m unittest -v KeysServerTests.KeysServerTests.<test case name>


Tests and prototypes for OASIS







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  • XSLT 77.1%
  • Python 20.2%
  • Makefile 2.6%
  • Shell 0.1%