- 👀 I’m interested in learning and working with community , open source contribution and give back to the community.
- ⛷️ I'm into DevOps, Golang development and Developer relation.
- ⛷️ I'm an AWS Community builder, Co-founder and community manager of an inclusive open source community.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Go language.
- 🌱 I believe in learning in public and helping others enter into tech and start their journey.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on GitHub and open source projects related to cloud computing and cloud native.
- 📝 I regularly write articles on Hashnode and Dev.to
- 💬 Ask me about DevOps,Communities, Cloud-Native, AWS, Go development, DevRel
- 📫 Reach out to me at iimransaifi1509@gmail.com
- Become a Bash Scripting Pro in 10 Minutes: A Quick Guide for Beginners
- A Beginner’s Guide to Amazon CloudWatch: Monitoring Your Cloud Like a Pro
- Top 10 Linux Commands Every DevOps Engineer Should Know
- Amazon EKS: Simplifying Kubernetes for the Cloud
- Pieces for Developers: Revolutionize Your Coding Workflow with AI and Smart Organization