Change following values in the App.config of CascoDataParser and Unit test projects:
<add key="FileFolder" value="C:\Users\imran.hanif\Desktop\Casco\Casco\Files\" />
<add key="ArchiveFolder" value="C:\Users\imran.hanif\Desktop\Casco\Casco\Archived\" />
<add key="ErrorLogFilePath" value="C:\Users\imran.hanif\Desktop\Casco\Casco\Log\errorLog.json"/>
<add key="LogFilePath" value="C:\Users\imran.hanif\Desktop\Casco\Casco\Log\log.json"/>
And in those corresponding paths have errorLog and Log json files. And also corresponding folders called Files and Archived.
Build and run the application.
If you need sample files, scripts for local database please contact me.