This code performs sentiment analysis on a dataset of tourist accommodation reviews. The dataset, tourist_accommodation_reviews.csv, is provided alongside this code.
Download and install the required libraries.
Download the stopwords, punkt, wordnet, omw-1.4, and vader_lexicon NLTK corpora by running["stopwords", "punkt", "wordnet", "omw-1.4", "vader_lexicon"]).
Run the code to perform sentiment analysis on the reviews in the dataset.
mostReviewedHotels(df) This function takes a dataframe as input and filters it to only include the 30 hotels with the most reviews.
reviewAnalyzer(sia, reviews) This function takes a SentimentIntensityAnalyzer object and a list of reviews as input and returns four lists containing the compound, negative, neutral, and positive sentiment scores for each review.
The code calculates some basic statistics for the sentiment score columns and creates four histograms to visualize the distribution of the sentiment scores.