Releases: ina-foss/inaFaceAnalyzer
pretrained machine learning models
large binary files corresponding to face detection, facial landmark detection, and SVM-based gender classification are provided within the release
*** shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat ***
Face landmarks prediction
*** opencv_face_detector_uint8.pb ***
Face detection
*** opencv_face_detector.pbtxt ***
Face detection
*** libfacedetection-yunet.onnx ***
Face and landmark detection provided in libfacedetection (BSD license)
Model download from
*** svm_ytf_zrezgui.hdf5 ***
Gender classification from face neural representation
This linear SVM was trained by Zohra Rezgui for the purpose of this project. Training details & evaluations can be found in her internship report:
Zohra Rezgui, Détection et classification de visages pour la description de l’égalité femme-homme dans les archives télévisuelles, 2019/11/19