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A configurable proxy for translating between different authentication protocols such as SAML2, OpenID Connect and OAuth2.
In this section a set of use cases for the proxy is presented.
There are SAML2 service providers for example Box which is not able to handle multiple identity providers. For more information about how to set up, configure and run such a proxy instance please visit Single Service Provider<->Multiple Identity providers
If an identity provider can not communicate with service providers in for example a federation the can convert request and make the communication possible.
This setup makes it possible to connect a SAML2 service provider to multiple social media identity providers such as Google and Facebook. The proxy makes it possible to mirror a identity provider by generating SAML2 metadata corresponding that provider and create dynamic endpoint which are connected to a single identity provider. For more information about how to set up, configure and run such a proxy instance please visit SAML2<->Social logins
The proxy is able to act as a proxy between a SAML2 service provider and a OpenID connect provider SAML2<->OIDC
If you have any questions regarding operations/deployment of SATOSA please use the satosa-users mailing list.