1.1.0 (2023-08-28)
- add badge component (resolves #11) (#20) (f6d7b42)
- add build script for CSS export (resolve #3) (#6) (e469e5f)
- add CSS custom properties for colors and fonts (7a023bc)
- add flow and prose utilities, use logical properties (#23) (4bfd9ff)
- add font styles (resolves #8) (#13) (3258e34)
- add horizontal rule component (resolves #26) (#31) (49ce88d)
- add link component (resolves #12) (#22) (ec2ce08)
- add new 90px space (#24) (6b63b19)
- add prose utility (ec2ce08)
- add typestack component (resolves #16) (#19) (68c4bc6)
- adjust colours with updates from Figma (#9) (6727f03)
- card components (resolves #15) (#28) (76549e2)
- implement calls to action component (resolve #27) (#38) (1175737)
- improve previews, add contrast theme support (#25) (c8e2804)
- navigation (resolves #14) (#30) (d0d8d63)
- pagination link component (resolves #10) (#29) (314f1f8)
- update colours (resolves #17) (#18) (4946441)
- adjust layout of call to action (#44) (fcdb961)
- adjust type scale for mobile devices (resolves #37) (#41) (44dc963)
- desktop navigation padding (#32) (a3704b8)
- ignore CHANGELOG.md for Markdown linting (#45) (0cb8db7)
- issues with different states (resolves #33) (#39) (0344715)
- missing space variables (#21) (92198f4)
- pagination (resolves #35, resolves #36) (#42) (4daf0ff)
- reset default font (6727f03)
- resolve component title issue (6727f03)
- resolve issue with pagination background (#43) (ab59485)
- text color for body (resolves #34) (#40) (9515da5)