FriendFinder is a responsive web application utilizing react framework and express.js.
Install Docker and Docker Compose Which is part of Docker Desktop.
If you decide to not use Docker Desktop Please follow the documentation provided above that is relevant to your operating system.
Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 18 or higher is required.
Installation is done using the npm init
command to install the needed dependencies.
And then running sudo docker-compose up --build
- a signup/login feature.
- analysis and recommendation algorithm.
- matching system.
- multi-user chatting.
- User Interaction Features like:
- Blocking
- Adding
- Group Chats
- Encrypted Chats using Public Key Technology.
- Malicious Content flagging system.
- Chat Report System.
Functional Documentation will be generated using Docusaurus and added into the project.
Swagger will be used for API documentation.
Jest is used for unit testing And E2E Testing will be done using puppeteer
This project follows the AirBnb Javascript Style Guide.
This should be followed to maintain consistency.
- A Bug
- details expected state vs. actual state
- offers a step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the issue
- includes environment details
(e.g. physical device, operating system, browser) - may have additional assets attached
(e.g. screenshots, videos)
All Acceptance criteria have to be met
(e.g. functional test is performed, no known defects exist, no regressions are introduced) -
The code is checked into Git, and is part of the primary development branch
The code is tested, and tests are successfully executed as part of a CI/CD pipeline
The code follows the agreed upon style guide and conventions.
- The code has been reviewed by at least one team member other than its creator (four-eyes principle)