This is India Ultimate's Membership, Payments and Tournament Management Portal
The site is built using Django, Django Ninja and SolidJS. The code is licensed under the GNU AGPL v3.0 License.
You can report issues on GitHub, Zulip or WhatsApp.
This project Poetry to manage the backend dependencies
Follow the offical docs to install Poetry
Install dependencies with Poetry
poetry install
Using the poetry virtual env
poetry shell
To run migrations and load sample data:
python migrate
python loaddata server/fixtures/sample_data.json
Super User Dev Creds which gets created from sample_data:
email: | password: password
To run the webserver, run the Django local server:
python runserver
The frontend is built using SolidJS and Yarn.
Prerequisites: Node v22 and npm. (Recommend using nvm to manage node versions!)
Install Yarn following official documentations here.
To install dependencies
cd frontend
yarn install
To run the development server with hot-reloading, run the webpack dev server:
yarn run dev
Go to http://localhost:8000
to start development. The Django server sets the
CSRF token cookie, and then redirects to the Webpack dev server for a better
developer experience (Hot module reloading) while working on the frontend.
To do linting before raising a PR, run:
poetry run ./scripts/lint --fix
Prerequisites: ShellCheck