Backend Deployment | Frontend Deployment | Frontend Repository
This API is a compendium of exercises and exercise records, providing inspiration to people in their journeys toward a healthier lifestyle.
This API can be reached at its primary root at It has two primary components: Exercises and Exercise Records. Requests for each should use the following endpoints, with the specific purposes outlined further below:
- Root: "/"
- ID: "/:id"
To retrieve all exercises or exercise records, use the base root, followed by "/exercises" or "/exerciserecs", respectively. The URL should reflect one of the following:
To retrieve an individual record for a exercise or exercise record, use the respective URL under "Retrieving All" and add the required ObjectID after a forward slash. An example of each has been provided below: //Bench Press //Bench Press Exercise Record
To generate a new record, all post requests should be sent to the respective URL listed under "Retrieve All". The body of the request may contain the following fields, listed in the table below. The comprehensive requirements for the available fields can be found in the "models" folder of the repository, available here.
Page | Field Names |
Exercises | name upper |
Exercise Records | type duration intensity upperBody sets weight |
To update a record, put requests must utilize the URL with the ObjectID of the record for which an update is being submitted, similar to the URLs listed under "Retrieving Individual Records". The body of the request must contain the field name, for which the value is to be changed, exactly as it is written in the models of the GitHub Repository.
To delete a record, a delete request must utilize the URL with the ObjectID for the specific record, similar to the URLs listed under "Retrieving Individual Records".
Cors | CSS | Express | HTML | JavaScript | MongoDB | Mongoose | Morgan | Node.js
- Create a functional API utilizing Express and Mongoose, for application with a frontend component
- Implement full CRUD functionality for each model
- Deploy the API via Herokuapp for public accessibility
- All testing of the API for access - both prior to and following deployment - was conducted utilizing Google Chrome.
- Final CRUD testing was conducted utilizing Postman.
- Create a search bar at the base root to search for records based on partial elements of given fields.
- Add authentication and authorization.