Mcms is a flexible and most updated CMS solution for Rails 3 .
- Is Rack based;
- Is a complete solution for your website design;
- Integrated with page,authentication and blog modules;
- Allows you to have multiple roles (or models/scopes) signed in at the same time;
- Allows you to create any kind of web pages (Just concentrate on your web design rather than thinking on content management part of it).
- Allows you to create custom blogs.
It's composed of 4 basic modules:
- Page: You can create any kind of web page in fraction of a minute.
- Authentication: Most flexible authentication and authorization solution ever produced which is smart enough to identify your modules, with in-built admin abilities.
- Blog: A complete custom blog module to facilitate your CMS with blogging capabilities
Installation of Mcms is crazy simple.
Here is how:
- Create your rails applications
rails new my_great_cms
Now,in your Gemfile
gem 'mcms'
Run the bundle command to install it.
rails g mcms install
and in your routes...
root :to => "pages#home"
This has most of the features required in a good CMS but it requires further testing to make it more robust and feature rich. So please pass on you valuable feedback to help us make this better.
MIT License. Copyright 2012 Mindfire Solutions Pvt Ltd.