A Matlab-interface for easy peak-detection in ECG-signals
ecgtool is a Matlab-gui that aims to facilitate ECG-signal processing tasks. Main features are
- Easy to use with little training
- Peak detection
- Heart rate calculation on time-limited windows across events
- Additional analysis features such as RSA (respiratory sinus arrythmia)
- Supports various ECG-signal recording systems such as EGI, Brainvision and Netscan
ecgtool is mainly used to perform peak detection which is a mathematical tool that automatically locates R-peaks on the ECG-signal. Detected peaks are shown in the signal on the GUI as red circles and they can be added or removed by hand by clicking with mouse. Peaks are exported automatically in a textfile to the directory of the input file. Heartrate analysis calculates heart rates across selected windows across signal events.
The project contains code from various developers which do not fall under copyright of HIP lab. Please cite and respect the developers that have written these codes. Developer names that we know can be found on the function implementation comments. Some names might have been lost during the 10+ year lifespan of the project.
The project is not polished and may contain comments on various languages.