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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

abandoned ☠️
abandoned :skull_and_crossbones:
This has aged out.
bug 🪲
bug :beetle:
Nope, this is wrong.
discussion 💬
discussion :speech_balloon:
Just chatting. No action required.
docs 📚
docs :books:
Documentation, tips, and examples.
good first issue 🎉
good first issue :tada:
Something easier for newcomers!
help wanted 👋
help wanted :wave:
I could use a little help here.
hold my beer 🍺
hold my beer :beer:
This may be crazy but...
maintenance 🔧
maintenance :wrench:
Dependencies, refactoring, tests, and janitor work.
need info ⏳
need info :hourglass_flowing_sand:
We need more information about this.
question 🤷‍♀️
question :woman_shrugging:
Inquiries, suggestions, and general help.
react-native 📱
react-native :iphone:
React Native related.
released on @alpha
released on @alpha
released on @beta
released on @beta
request 👍
request :+1:
I would like this to be a thing.
WIP :construction:
Work in progress; not quite ready.
wontfix 🙅‍♂️
wontfix :no_good_man:
Not the right fit / working as intended.