Version 1.3.0
New versions of RMQ, ProMotion, RedAlert, and motion-print
- Added
:full, :half, :quarter
to w, h, l, t, r, b, width, height, left, top, right, bottom - Added find! (to match BluePotion):
find!(my_view) == find(my_view).get
find(my_view)find(:some_child).get == find(my_view)find!(:some_child)
- Using SBWebImage instead of JMImageCache for remote_image
- Added add_child_screen and remove_child_screen methods to PM::Screen
- Adds persisting tab order when changed by the user for tab bars over 5 screens
- Updated icon to new icon
- UITextViewStyler supports UITextInputTraits
- A few disabled goodies for the UIButton styler
- Adds :searchable to the whitelisted properties a cell can have so that a warning is not generated.
Bug fixes
- Changed pulling template from git to use HTTP rather than SSH, so you don't have to have your SSH key to do a
rmq create foo
- Fixes to UITableViewController
gem update redpotion
# In your projects:
bundle update redpotion
# It's best to nuke your projects, to update the pods correctly
rake newclear