Barcodes is a RubyGem for creating and rendering common barcode symbologies. Here are some of the current features:
- Many common symbologies to choose from
- PDF and ASCII rendering support
- Command line interface for rendering barcodes to console or file
Currently supported symbologies:
- Code 11
- Code 128
- Code 39
- Code 39 Mod 43
- Code 39 Extended
- Code 39 Extended Mod 43
- Code 93
- Code 93 Extended
- EAN8
- EAN13
- Interleaved 2 of 5
- Interleaved 2 of 5 Mod 10
- MSI Mod 10
- MSI Mod 11
- Standard 2 of 5
- Standard 2 of 5 Mod 10
Barcodes is a RubyGem and can be installed using:
$ gem install barcodes
If you want to create and render a barcode all in one step you can simply do the following:
Barcodes.render('Codabar', '/path/to/output.pdf', {:data => '12345'})
The output path can be left empty and the rendered output will be returned as a string.
By default Barcodes uses the PDF renderer. To use a different renderer do the following:
barcode = Barcodes.create('Postnet', {:data => '44555'})
pdf_renderer =
ascii_renderer =
The following options (defaults shown below) are available (where applicable) for all barcode symbologies:
:data => '0123456789',
:start_character => '',
:stop_character => '',
:bar_width => 20, # in mils
:bar_height => 1000, # in mils
:alpha => 1.0,
:color => '000000',
:caption_height => 180, # in mils
:caption_size => 167, # in mils
:captioned => true,
Barcodes also provides a command line tool for rendering barcodes:
$ barcodes -h
Usage: barcodes [OPTIONS] symbology target
-D, --data [DATA] The barcode data to encode (0123456789)
-s [START_CHARACTER], The barcode start character if applicable
-e [STOP_CHARACTER], The barcode stop character if applicable
-W, --bar_width [BAR_WIDTH] The barcode bar width in mils (20)
-H, --bar_height [BAR_HEIGHT] The barcode bar height in mils (1000)
-c [CAPTION_HEIGHT], The barcode caption height in mils (180)
-p [CAPTION_SIZE], The caption font size in mils (167)
-A, --alpha [ALPHA] The barcode transparency (1.0)
-O, --color [COLOR] The barcode color in hex (000000)
-a, --captioned Render barcode caption (true)
-i, --ascii Render barcode as ASCII string (false)
-v, --version
-h, --help
MIT License. See LICENSE file for details.