The code in this repository corresponds to the paper ``Visualization and Efficient Generation of Constrained High-dimensional Theoretical Parameter Spaces'' by J. Baretz, N. Carrara, J. Hollingsworth and D. Whiteson. CHUNCNet is a collection of two generative models which expand on the Sliced-Wasserstein Auto-Encoder (SWAE) approach for the purposes of studying high-dimensional theoretical parameter spaces of Minimal Super-Symmetric Models (MSSM) (such as the CMSSM and PMSSM).
A version of the MicrOmegas software must be installed, which can be found here: The version used in this study was 5.2.6, which may produce different results from newer versions.
Some files in the directory must be altered, which can be done by editing the "" script in the "external" directory. The contents of the file are listed below:
#! /bin/bash
# get the directory where this script is stored
while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do # resolve $SOURCE until the file is no longer a symlink
DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")"
[[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE" # if $SOURCE was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it relative to the path where the symlink file was located
CHUNC_DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
# directory of micromegas.
# you must change this to match.
# copy files over
if (VERSION==5.2.6)
cp $CHUNC_DIR/jake/omega.c $MICROMEGAS_DIR/sources/
cp $CHUNC_DIR/jake/micromegas.h $MICROMEGAS_DIR/include/
cp $CHUNC_DIR/omega.c $MICROMEGAS_DIR/sources/
cp $CHUNC_DIR/micromegas.h $MICROMEGAS_DIR/include/
# run make
make clean all
make clean all
The micromegas version must be specified, as well as the directory of the installation. Running this script will replace the files "main.c" in the MSSM folder, as well as "omega.c" and "micromegas.h" in the main micromegas directory.
Some common issues that can occur when compiling MicrOmegas version 5.2.6 have to due with the declaration of a variable in the file "MSSM/lib/my_complex.h". One may get an error about multiple definitions of the variable "icomp", which can be commented out in the header file (MSSM/lib/my_complex.h):
#ifndef __MY_COMPLEX__
#define __MY_COMPLEX__
typedef struct{ double r; double i; } my_complex;
//const my_complex icomp={0,1};
but then one will need to add its definition to the "gmuon.c" file:
/* Supersymmetric contribution to muon g-2
Author: A. Cottrant, june 2001
Ref: A. Cottrant, "Le moment anomal du muon en supersymetrie".
Rapport de DEA, Universite de Savoie.
These formulas agree with the ones in S. Martin, J. Wells, hep-ph/0103067
28 march 2002: Correct factor of 1/2. in double result line 87
#include "pmodel.h"
#include "my_complex.h"
#include "matrix.h"
const my_complex icomp={0,1};
A version of the SoftSUSY software must also be installed, which can be found here: The version that was used in this study is 4.1.10, which may produce different results from newer versions.
Once both MicrOmegas and SoftSUSY are installed, the directory of both must be specified to the CHUNC generator, along with the type of parameter space one is sampling from. An example of this is shown below:
mssm = MSSMGenerator(