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Module that creates an autoscaling group with an ALB and SSL certificate for a website.

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The module creates resources to run an HTTP service in an autoscaling group. It creates a load balancer that terminates SSL on the TCP port 443. It also issues the SSL certificate in ACM.

Note: Starting from version 2.0 the module separates the main aws provider and a provider for Route53 resources. If you don't need to separate them, just pass the same provider for aws and aws.dns

providers = {
  aws     = aws
  aws.dns = aws


module "website" {
  providers = {
    aws     =
    aws.dns =
  source                = "infrahouse/website-pod/aws"
  version               = "~> 3.0"
  environment           = var.environment
  ami                   = data.aws_ami.ubuntu_22.image_id
  backend_subnets       =
  zone_id               = "Z07662251LH3YRF2ERM3G"
  dns_a_records         = ["", "www"]
  internet_gateway_id   =
  key_pair_name         = data.aws_key_pair.aleks.key_name
  subnets               =
  userdata              = module.webserver_userdata.userdata
  stickiness_enabled    = true

Security groups

The module used default security groups up until version 2.5.0.

Starting from the version 2.6.0 the behavior changes, however in a backward-compatible manner. The module creates two security groups. One for the load balancer, another - for the backend instances.

The load balancer security group allows traffic to TCP ports 443 and var.alb_listener_port (80 by default).

The backend security group allows user traffic and health checks coming from the load balancer. Also, the security group allows SSH from the VPC where the backend instances reside and from var.ssh_cidr_block. It is by default, but the goal is allow user restrict access let's say to anyone but the management VPC.

Both security groups allow incoming ICMP traffic.

Additionally, the user can specify additional security groups via var.extra_security_groups_backend. They will be added to the backend instance alongside with the created backend security group.

Using spot instances

By default, the module launches on-demand instances only. However, if you specify var.on_demand_base_capacity, the ASG will fulfill its capacity by as many on-demand instances as var.on_demand_base_capacity and the rest will be spot instances.


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.5
aws ~> 5.11
random ~> 3.6


Name Version
aws ~> 5.11
aws.dns ~> 5.11
random ~> 3.6


Name Source Version
instance_profile 1.5.1


Name Type resource resource resource
aws_alb_listener.redirect_to_ssl resource resource resource resource
aws_autoscaling_lifecycle_hook.launching resource
aws_autoscaling_lifecycle_hook.terminating resource
aws_autoscaling_policy.cpu_load resource resource
aws_lb_listener.ssl resource
aws_route53_record.cert_validation resource
aws_route53_record.extra resource
aws_s3_bucket.access_log resource
aws_s3_bucket_policy.access_logs resource
aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.public_access resource
aws_security_group.alb resource
aws_security_group.backend resource
aws_vpc_security_group_egress_rule.alb_outgoing resource
aws_vpc_security_group_egress_rule.backend_outgoing resource
aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.alb_icmp resource
aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.alb_listener_port resource
aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.backend_healthcheck resource
aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.backend_icmp resource
aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.backend_ssh_input resource
aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.backend_ssh_local resource
aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.backend_user_traffic resource
aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.https resource
random_string.profile_suffix resource
aws_ami.selected data source
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_default_tags.provider data source
aws_iam_policy_document.access_logs data source
aws_iam_policy_document.default_permissions data source
aws_region.current data source
aws_route53_zone.webserver_zone data source
aws_subnet.selected data source
aws_vpc.service data source


Name Description Type Default Required
alb_access_log_enabled Whether to maintain the access log. bool false no
alb_access_log_force_destroy Destroy S3 bucket with access logs even if non-empty bool false no
alb_healthcheck_enabled Whether health checks are enabled. bool true no
alb_healthcheck_healthy_threshold Number of times the host have to pass the test to be considered healthy number 2 no
alb_healthcheck_interval Number of seconds between checks number 5 no
alb_healthcheck_path Path on the webserver that the elb will check to determine whether the instance is healthy or not string "/index.html" no
alb_healthcheck_port Port of the webserver that the elb will check to determine whether the instance is healthy or not any 80 no
alb_healthcheck_protocol Protocol to use with the webserver that the elb will check to determine whether the instance is healthy or not string "HTTP" no
alb_healthcheck_response_code_matcher Range of http return codes that can match string "200-299" no
alb_healthcheck_timeout Number of seconds to timeout a check number 4 no
alb_healthcheck_uhealthy_threshold Number of times the host have to pass the test to be considered UNhealthy number 2 no
alb_idle_timeout The time in seconds that the connection is allowed to be idle. number 60 no
alb_listener_port TCP port that a load balancer listens to to serve client HTTP requests. The load balancer redirects this port to 443 and HTTPS. number 80 no
alb_name_prefix Name prefix for the load balancer string "web" no
ami Image for EC2 instances string n/a yes
asg_lifecycle_hook_heartbeat_timeout How much time in seconds to wait until the hook is completed before proceeding with the default action. number 3600 no
asg_lifecycle_hook_launching Create a LAUNCHING lifecycle hook, if True. bool false no
asg_lifecycle_hook_terminating Create a TERMINATING lifecycle hook, if True. bool false no
asg_max_healthy_percentage Specifies the upper limit on the number of instances that are in the InService or Pending state with a healthy status during an instance replacement activity. number 200 no
asg_max_size Maximum number of instances in ASG number 10 no
asg_min_elb_capacity Terraform will wait until this many EC2 instances in the autoscaling group become healthy. By default, it's equal to var.asg_min_size. number null no
asg_min_healthy_percentage Specifies the lower limit on the number of instances that must be in the InService state with a healthy status during an instance replacement activity. number 100 no
asg_min_size Minimum number of instances in ASG number 2 no
asg_name Autoscaling group name, if provided. string null no
asg_scale_in_protected_instances Behavior when encountering instances protected from scale in are found. Available behaviors are Refresh, Ignore, and Wait. string "Ignore" no
assume_dns If True, create DNS records provided by var.dns_a_records. bool true no
attach_tagret_group_to_asg By default we want to register all ASG instances in the target group. However ECS registers targets itself. Disable it if using website-pod for ECS. bool true no
autoscaling_target_cpu_load Target CPU load for autoscaling number 60 no
backend_subnets Subnet ids where EC2 instances should be present list(string) n/a yes
dns_a_records List of A records in the zone_id that will resolve to the ALB dns name. list(string)
enable_deletion_protection Prevent load balancer from destroying bool false no
environment Name of environment string "development" no
extra_security_groups_backend A list of security group ids to assign to backend instances list(string) [] no
health_check_grace_period ASG will wait up to this number of seconds for instance to become healthy number 600 no
health_check_type Type of healthcheck the ASG uses. Can be EC2 or ELB. string "ELB" no
instance_profile_permissions A JSON with a permissions policy document. The policy will be attached to the instance profile. string null no
instance_role_name If specified, the instance profile role will have this name. Otherwise, the role name will be generated. string null no
instance_type EC2 instances type string "t3.micro" no
internet_gateway_id Not used, but AWS Internet Gateway must be present. Ensure by passing its id. string n/a yes
key_pair_name SSH keypair name to be deployed in EC2 instances string n/a yes
max_instance_lifetime_days The maximum amount of time, in _days_, that an instance can be in service, values must be either equal to 0 or between 7 and 365 days. number 30 no
min_healthy_percentage Amount of capacity in the Auto Scaling group that must remain healthy during an instance refresh to allow the operation to continue, as a percentage of the desired capacity of the Auto Scaling group. number 100 no
on_demand_base_capacity If specified, the ASG will request spot instances and this will be the minimal number of on-demand instances. number null no
protect_from_scale_in Whether newly launched instances are automatically protected from termination by Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling when scaling in. bool false no
root_volume_size Root volume size in EC2 instance in Gigabytes number 30 no
service_name Descriptive name of a service that will use this VPC string "website" no
ssh_cidr_block CIDR range that is allowed to SSH into the backend instances. Format is a.b.c.d/. string null no
stickiness_enabled If true, enable stickiness on the target group ensuring a clients is forwarded to the same target. bool false no
subnets Subnet ids where load balancer should be present list(string) n/a yes
tags Tags to apply to instances in the autoscaling group. map(string)
"Name": "webserver"
target_group_port TCP port that a target listens to to serve requests from the load balancer. number 80 no
target_group_type Target group type: instance, ip, alb. Default is instance. string "instance" no
userdata userdata for cloud-init to provision EC2 instances string n/a yes
wait_for_capacity_timeout How much time to wait until all instances are healthy string "20m" no
zone_id Domain name zone ID where the website will be available string n/a yes


Name Description
asg_arn ARN of the created autoscaling group
asg_name Name of the created autoscaling group
backend_security_group Map with security group id and rules
dns_name DNS name of the load balancer.
instance_profile_name EC2 instance profile name.
instance_role_policy_arn Policy ARN attached to EC2 instance profile.
instance_role_policy_attachment Policy attachment id.
instance_role_policy_name Policy name attached to EC2 instance profile.
load_balancer_arn Load Balancer ARN
load_balancer_dns_name Load balancer DNS name.
target_group_arn Target group ARN that listens to the service port.
zone_id Zone id where A records are created for the service.


Module that creates an autoscaling group with an ALB and SSL certificate for a website.






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