Generate thumbnail image using OS X Quick Look
Wafer-thin wrapper around the QuickLook QLThumbnailImageCreate()
$ git clone [...]
$ cd ql-thumbnail
$ make
./ql-thumbnail <sourcefile> <destination_thumbnailfile> <type> <width> <height> [quality]
./ql-thumbnail image.pdf image.png public.png 1024 1024
./ql-thumbnail sourcecode.cpp thumbnails/sourcecode.png public.jpeg 128 512
./ql-thumbnail nasa.jpg nasa-thumb.jpg public.jpeg 128 128 0.1
- Size (width/height) values are upper bounds. A smaller thumbnail might be returned.
- Destination folder for output thumbnail image must exist.
- Quality parameter is optional, defaults to 1.0 (no compression).
- "public.jpeg"
- "public.png"
- "com.compuserve.gif"
- "public.jpeg-2000"
- "public.tiff"
- ""
- "com.adobe.photoshop-image"
- "com.adobe.pdf"
- ""
- ""
- "com.truevision.tga-image"
- "com.sgi.sgi-image"
- "com.ilm.openexr-image"
- "public.pbm"
- "public.pvr"
- "org.khronos.astc"
- "org.khronos.ktx"
- ""
qlmanage -- Quick Look Server debug and management tool
MIT © 2016 Ingve Vormestrand