This PHP Client is based on the NetSuite PHP Toolkit and is made available, with permission, under the Toolkit License Agreement.
First, make sure you have a valid NetSuite account - as you'll need your account and authentication information in order to use this library.
The following is a simplified example to illustrate fetching a customer from within a NetSuite account
// Set the namespace and require the necessary library files
namespace NetSuite\WebServices;
// Instantiate the library, referencing the whole namespace
$service = new NetSuiteService();
// Set your authentication credentials
$nsaccount = 'MYACCT1',
$nsemail = '',
$nsrole = '3',
$nspassword = 'mySecretPwd');
// Create a new Get request (since getting a customer)
$request = new GetRequest();
// Specify that we're looking for a customer. #931 to be specific
$request->baseRef = new RecordRef();
$request->baseRef->internalId = "931";
$request->baseRef->type = "customer";
// Get the object
$getResponse = $service->get($request);
NetSuite endpoint information is specified in NSconfig.php. You can specify a new end point or host by modifying $nsendpoint
and/or $nshost
, however this version of the client was generated against the 2012_2 release.
Written by the clever folks at TribeHR