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Install with Cocoapods

Jeffrey Wear edited this page Jun 26, 2014 · 11 revisions

By this point, you should have created an Integration Tests target. If not, please follow the directions here first.

Now, install Cocoapods, if you haven't already:

sudo gem install cocoapods # sudo is required if you're using the default ruby
If you're already using Cocoapods for this project:
  • Go to your Integration Tests target and choose the Summary tab. Under "Linked Frameworks and Libraries", delete libPods.a.
If you haven't used Cocoapods for this project:
  • Use the terminal to navigate to your project's directory.

  • Make a new file called Podfile with no extension: touch Podfile. Close your Xcode project now.

Configure the Podfile

  • Configure it as follows:
platform :ios, '5.1'

target :'Integration Tests' do
  pod 'Subliminal'
  • From the terminal, run pod install.

This will also install Subliminal's supporting files, including a "Subliminal test" file template.

  • From now on, use the *.xcworkspace file: open *.xcworkspace.

Optional: Install Subliminal's Documentation

The above process does not install Subliminal's API documentation into Xcode. If you would like to do so, execute

cd Pods/Subliminal && rake install

in the Terminal.

You can also find this documentation online here.

Next: Add Test Running Code to your Target

With Subliminal installed, the final step is to add the code to run Subliminal tests.