Demo | Installation | Usage | API
Download via npm.
$ npm install patience-js --save
Add Patience to your project:
<!-- PatienceJS-->
<script src="node_modules/patience-js/dist/patience.min.js"></script>
For a vanilla JavaScript project:
var retryCall = Patience();
For an Angular.js module:
// First, inject PatienceJS module into your app
angular.module('myApp', ['PatienceJS']);
// Then, use the $httpRetry service anywhere you would like to use PatienceJS
angular.module('myApp').service('API', ['$httpRetry', function () {
this.getUser = function (userId) {
// Build and run a retry request
return $httpRetry
// ajax request params
url: '' + userId,
method: 'GET' })
// logical grouping
// retry
max: 1,
interval: 500 })
// re-attempts occur after retries have failed
max: 1,
interval: 2000 })
.run() // returns a Promise
.then(function (res) {
return res;
.catch(function (err) {
.progress(function (msg) {
Please note that if you are using Angular JS, replace Patience()
with $httpRetry
in the examples below.
PatienceJS provides the following chainable methods:
Method | Description |
.request() | Standard request parameters for AJAX request |
.group() | Assign a group to which the current request belongs |
.retry() | Overrides the default retry configuration |
.reAttempt() | Enables and configures re-attempts |
.run() | Runs the currently chained Patience request |
.addStrategy() | Configures a "strategy" which can be re-used between requests |
.runStrategy() | Run a pre-configured strategy |
##### .request(requestParams) * **required** * Standard request parameters passed to [axios AJAX helper library](
method: 'GET',
url: '' })
##### .group(groupName) * A group to which the current request belongs. * If a request fails and is being retried or re-attempted, all requests for that group will be blocked until the retry/re-attempt cycle is complete * Parameters: * **groupName** (string): name of the group to which this retry AJAX call belongs
method: 'GET',
url: '/users/3' })
##### .retry(retryParams)
- Sets the retry strategy based on parameters
- If not used or null parameters are provided, default values are used
- Default Value:
{ max: 2, interval: 100 }
- Default Value:
- Parameters:
- max (int): the maximum number of times to retry the request before failing
- interval (int): the interval of time, in milliseconds, to wait between each retry
// Using default retry options
method: 'GET',
url: '' })
// Using custom retry options
method: 'GET',
url: '' })
max: 10,
interval: 1000 })
##### .reAttempt(reAttemptParams) * Sets the re-attempt parameters * If this method is not used, re-attempts will not occur * If null parameters are provided, default values are used * Default values: `` { max: 3, interval: 1000, intervalMultiplicator: 1 } `` * Parameters * **max** (int): the maximum number of times to re-attempt the request before failing * **interval** (int): the interval of time, in milliseconds, to wait between each re-attempt * **intervalMultiplicator** (int): Number to multiply the interval by upon each subsequent failure. Used for exponential or linear back-off strategies.
// Using default re-attempt options
method: 'GET',
url: '' })
// Using custom re-attempt options
method: 'GET',
url: '' })
max: 5,
interval: 3000 })
##### .run() * **Required** in order to execute the request. * Runs the currently configured request * Parameters: *None* * **Note**: This method is not chainable.
method: 'GET',
url: '' })
.run(); // executes the configured Patience request and returns a promise
##### .addStrategy(strategyName, strategyOptions) * Configures a strategy which can be re-used between requests * You may add any combination of *retry*, *re-attempt*, *group*, and *request* parameters to a strategy * Parameters: * **strategyName** (string): Name of the strategy * **strategyOptions** (Object): Patience options for the strategy
group: 'profile-api-calls',
retry: {
max: 10,
interval: 3000,
reAttempt: {
max: 10,
interval: 5000,
##### .runStrategy(strategyName) * Run a pre-configured strategy * Strategies can be added with the `` addStrategy `` method * Parameters: * **strategyName** (string): Name of the strategy to run
// this request will use configurations from "profile-api-calls" strategy
method: 'GET',
url: '' })