Releases: innovara/sysmotd
Releases · innovara/sysmotd
Replaced some if-else statements with their shorthand equivalents and added SPDX license identifier
Requires=sysmotd.service removed on sysmotd.timer as it triggers the service when the timer is started the first time which is not what was intended
LogLevelMax=3 added to sysmotd.service to prevent log messages every minute when the service starts and stops.
Changed timer starting point to OnActiveSec
Added %systemd_postun to post uninstall so it runs systemctl daemon-reload
Small fix to reinstate memory percentage which was lost during the re-factoring of system information
This new version changes the way system information is put together. The initial approach based on concatenation of tabs would often produce misalignments. Now all the items are put into an array which is then outputted to a table and should keep them aligned.
Version 0.0.2 adds SElinux information and leaves the hostname in one line as it can be long or short depending on the host, which causes a bit of trouble with the format
First release. Version 0.0.1 packaged for Fedora 37 and 38