Installs and configures CloudFoundry CloudController
- Ubuntu
Tested on:
- Ubuntu 10.04
Requires Opscode's postgresql, mysql, database, and bluepill cookbooks. Also requires trotter's cloudfoundry-common cookbook.
- The domain name for your CloudFoundry instance. Default'
- The welcome message that users will see when first connecting. Default isVMWare's Cloud Application Platform"
- Where users should go to get support. Default is'
- Set whether users can self register to your CloudFoundry Instance. Default istrue
- TODO (trotter): Find out what this does. Default isfalse
- The external port on which the CloudController is accessible. This value normally won't matter, as a CloudFoundry router will front the CloudController and serve it atapi.#{hostname}:80
. Default is9022
- TODO (trotter): Find out what this means. Default isfalse
- TODO (trotter): Find out what this means. Default is9025
- Log level for the CloudFoundry application. Default isinfo'
- TODO (trotter): Find out how this differes fromrails_log_file
. Default is#{node['cloudfoundry_common']['log_dir']}/cloud_controller.log"
- TODO (trotter): Find out how this differs fromlog_file
. Default is#{node['cloudfoundry_common']['log_dir']}/cloud_controller-rails.log"
- TODO (trotter): Find out what this means. Default istrue
- TODO (trotter): Find out what this means. Default is10
- TODO (trotter): Find out what this means. Default is120
- TODO (trotter): Find out what this means. Default isfalse
- An array containing the email addresses of all server admins. Default is['']
- The name of the database that CloudController will use. Default iscloud_controller'
- Hostname where CloudController's database is located. Default islocalhost'
- An array of hashes containing thename
for each runtime available in your CloudFoundry instance. XXX (trotter): Not sure we can store hashes in an attribute. Will have to test this part thoroughly. Default is[
- An array containing the name of each framework supported by your CloudFoundry instance. Due to a quirk in cloud_controller, you must have rails3 and sinatra listed as frameworks. Default is[
- Where to store the pid_file for the CloudController. Default isFile.join(node['cloudfoundry_common']['pid_dir'], "")
This cookbook contains two components, cloud_controller::server
. The default recipe runs both recipes.
is responsible for installing postgres and
setting up a database with the proper permissions. To use it on a
database node:
include_recipe "cloud_controller::database"
will install a CloudController on the target
node along with the necessary configuration files and init scripts to
run it. To use it within your recipes:
include_recipe "cloud_controller::server"
Author:: Trotter Cashion (
Copyright:: 2012 Trotter Cashion
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.