Collection of my custom GPTs classified in different themes.
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CSharpDotnetHelper helps the user to generate optimized, clean and factorised code, with awareness of structure and implementations.
CSharpDotnetHelper (ShowCase) (Test it here)
Image2Characters analyzes a character(s) focused image and creates a list based on the analysis.
Image2Characters (ShowCase) (Test it here)
Image2Extract analyzes an image and creates a list based on the analysis.
Image2Extract (ShowCase) (Test it here)
Image2GeoGuess analyzes an image and try to guess where it was taken (GeoGuesser).
Image2GeoGuess (ShowCase) (Test it here)
Image2Image analyzes an image in order to build an image based on it.
Image2Image (ShowCase) (Test it here)
Image2Prompt analyzes an image in order to build a prompt.
Image2Prompt (ShowCase) (Test it here)
Keywords2Images generates images based on keywords list.
Keywords2Images (ShowCase) (Test it here)
Keywords2Prompts generates prompts based on keywords list.
Keywords2Prompts (ShowCase) (Test it here)
Prompt2Optimize optimizes prompt provided by the user.
Prompt2Optimize (ShowCase) (Test it here)
Variables2Images generates images based on prompt containing {variables}.
Variables2Images (ShowCase) (Test it here)
Variables2Prompts generates prompts based on prompt containing {variables}.