Python Web Server in Flask that allows users to upload & browse DICOM images. Under the hood mudicom and gdcm are used to get key/value info from the DICOM files. The pillow library is used to make the thumbnail.
See an example running at:
To Deploy, install the dependencies
conda create -p env/
source activate env/
# You need to install gdcm
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install --file requirements/conda.txt
pip install -e .
Then run
export FLASK_APP=dicom_flask_uploader.runapp
flask initdb
flask importdb
flask run
To Run Tests
source activate env/
pip install -r requirements/development.txt
- Using simple sqlite db at the moment for quick prototyping, but could be
changed for any other type of relational db that
flask-sqlalchemy supports.
- Data element key/value sizes picked arbitrarily. Not sure what max limits are for DICOM
- Might actually be better to use nosql db for this, since key/values can be different between DICOMs
- Use gdcm so compressed DICOM images can be handled
- There was a conda binary already available, so was easy to use that. Saw there were some Dockerfile images available as well
- Storing thumbnails/dcm on
so I don't get charged for uploading/storing files- For persistent storage on Heroku, could've also stored them in the db but that is generally considered bad practice
- Using Jinja2 templating with flask for quick prototyping
- A few tests to show system works, no reason to test a prototype super thoroughly
- Use that lovely flask-resty library to create REST API
- Add authentication
- Store static files in a persistent manner using flask-annex
- Seems like some thumbnails are not always properly converted, probably issue in mudicom or gdcm
- Add better error checking (for uploading incorrect image type for instance)
- Validate DICOM files and show info to user
- Query DICOM key/value