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create cardano

cardano-node-wiki edited this page Aug 4, 2023 · 1 revision

Creating Cardano testnets

In Shelley genesis we discussed how to manually create a Shelley blockchain and how to create a testnet semi-automatically using the cardano-cli genesis create command. That explainer did not cover the steps needed to create a testnet that starts in the Byron era and is updated to the latest era. This process requires a fair amount of manual work: converting genesis and delegate keys from Byron to Shelley, creating genesis files, handling file hashing, manually updating the configuration file, etc.

Creating a testnet that starts in Byron and can transition to Shelley and later eras is possible with the cardano-cli genesis create-cardano command. Note that on mainnet, we need to use the manual method described in Shelley genesis.

The create-cardano command automatically generates the Byron, Shelley and Alonzo genesis files, including the needed genesis keys, delegate keys, and UTXO keys. This command also handles all the hashing and generates the configuration file for the node.

The create-cardano command also requires us to provide template files for the node configuration file, Byron genesis, Shelley genesis and Alonzo genesis. These template files contain the parameters needed for the testnet, all eras, and the configuration file for the nodes. You can find template files in the iohk-nix repository and adjust them to your needs.

By calling help for create-cardano, you will see the needed parameters:

$ cardano-cli genesis create-cardano

--genesis-dir DIR        The genesis directory containing the genesis template
                         and required genesis/delegation/spending keys.
--gen-genesis-keys INT   The number of genesis keys to make [default is 3].
--gen-utxo-keys INT      The number of UTXO keys to create [default is 0].
--start-time UTC-TIME    The genesis start time in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
                         format. If unspecified, will be the current time +30
--supply LOVELACE        The initial coin supply in lovelace which will be
                         evenly distributed across initial, non-delegating
                         stake holders.
--security-param INT     Security parameter for the genesis file [default is 108].
--slot-length INT        Slot length (ms) parameter for genesis file [default
                         is 1000].
--slot-coefficient RATIONAL
                         Slot coefficient for the genesis file [default is .05].
--mainnet                Use the mainnet magic ID.
--testnet-magic NATURAL  Specify a testnet magic ID.
--byron-template FILEPATH
                         JSON file with genesis defaults for each Byron.
--shelley-template FILEPATH
                         JSON file with genesis defaults for each Shelley.
--alonzo-template FILEPATH
                         JSON file with genesis defaults for each Alonzo.
--node-config-template FILEPATH
                         The node config template

There are also a few things to consider:

  • The maximum supply is hardcoded to 45 billion ada (like on mainnet). The amount in --supply is distributed evenly across initial UTXO keys. The difference between 45 billion and --supply will be available on the Reserves when updating to the Shelley era.

  • --slot-length, --security-param and --slot-coefficient together determine the epoch length on the resulting network. Byron epochs last 10k slots, and Shelley epochs last 10k/f slots. Where k is the security parameter and f is the slot coefficient.


For a network with three genesis keys, three delegate nodes, two non-delegated UTXO keys with five billion each and 10 minutes epochs, run:

$ cardano-cli genesis create-cardano \
--genesis-dir cluster \
--gen-genesis-keys 3 \
--gen-utxo-keys 2 \
--supply 10000000000000000 \
--security-param 300 \
--slot-length 100 \
--slot-coefficient 5/100 \
--testnet-magic 42 \
--byron-template byron.json \
--shelley-template shelley.json \
--alonzo-template alonzo.json \
--node-config-template config.json

This creates the following:

  • The 'cluster' directory
  • Byron, Shelley and Alonzo genesis files
  • The node configuration file
  • Three Byron era genesis keys
  • Three Shelley era genesis keys (converted from Byron keys)
  • Three delegate Byron keys
  • Three delegation certificates
  • Three operational certificates and operational certificate counters
  • Three cold, KES, and VRF keys
  • Two Byron era non-delegated UTXO keys
  • Two Shelley era UTXO keys (converted from Byron keys)
$ tree cluster/
├── alonzo-genesis.json
├── byron-genesis.json
├── delegate-keys
│   ├── byron.000.cert.json
│   ├── byron.000.key
│   ├── byron.001.cert.json
│   ├── byron.001.key
│   ├── byron.002.cert.json
│   ├── byron.002.key
│   ├── shelley.000.counter.json
│   ├── shelley.000.kes.skey
│   ├── shelley.000.kes.vkey
│   ├── shelley.000.opcert.json
│   ├── shelley.000.skey
│   ├── shelley.000.vkey
│   ├── shelley.000.vrf.skey
│   ├── shelley.000.vrf.vkey
│   ├── shelley.001.counter.json
│   ├── shelley.001.kes.skey
│   ├── shelley.001.kes.vkey
│   ├── shelley.001.opcert.json
│   ├── shelley.001.skey
│   ├── shelley.001.vkey
│   ├── shelley.001.vrf.skey
│   ├── shelley.001.vrf.vkey
│   ├── shelley.002.counter.json
│   ├── shelley.002.kes.skey
│   ├── shelley.002.kes.vkey
│   ├── shelley.002.opcert.json
│   ├── shelley.002.skey
│   ├── shelley.002.vkey
│   ├── shelley.002.vrf.skey
│   └── shelley.002.vrf.vkey
├── genesis-keys
│   ├── byron.000.key
│   ├── byron.001.key
│   ├── byron.002.key
│   ├── shelley.000.skey
│   ├── shelley.000.vkey
│   ├── shelley.001.skey
│   ├── shelley.001.vkey
│   ├── shelley.002.skey
│   └── shelley.002.vkey
├── node-config.json
├── shelley-genesis.json
└── utxo-keys
   ├── byron.000.key
   ├── byron.001.key
   ├── shelley.000.skey
   ├── shelley.000.vkey
   ├── shelley.001.skey
   └── shelley.001.vkey

4 directories, 53 files

Starting the cluster requires topology files for each of the nodes. For example:

   "Producers": [
       "addr": "",
       "port": 3001,
       "valency": 1
       "addr": "",
       "port": 3002,
       "valency": 1

Note: For details about topology files please refer to Understanding configuration files.

Then, run the nodes with block production keys, for example:

$ cardano-node run \
--config node-config.json \
--topology topology.json \
--database-path db \
--socket-path node.socket \
--port 3000 \
--delegation-certificate delegate-keys/byron.000.cert.json \
--signing-key delegate-keys/byron.000.key

Updating the testnet to later eras can be done using update proposals, please refer to Cardano governance to learn how to do it.

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