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Security: input-output-hk/partner-chains

Security Policy

Supported Versions

The following table lists the versions of our project that are currently supported with security updates.

Version Supported
< 1.2.0

Reporting a Vulnerability

We take security vulnerabilities seriously and appreciate your efforts to responsibly disclose any issues you may find.

To report a vulnerability, please use GitHub's private vulnerability reporting feature. This allows you to communicate directly with our security team without publicly disclosing the vulnerability details.

Steps to report a vulnerability:

  1. Navigate to the Security tab of our GitHub repository.
  2. Click on "Report a vulnerability" to start the private reporting process.
  3. Provide as much detail as possible about the vulnerability and any potential impacts.

What to expect:

  • We will acknowledge receipt of your report within 48 hours.
  • Our team will review the issue and work with you to understand its impact.
  • You will receive updates on the status of your report at least once every five business days.
  • If the vulnerability is accepted, we will coordinate with you on an appropriate disclosure timeline.

Thank you for helping us keep our project secure!

There aren’t any published security advisories