Code to clean up ASV clustering results and generate stats
- Clone the repository and change directory into
git clone
cd clean_asv_data
mamba env create -f environment.yml
- Activate the environment
conda activate clean_asv_data
- Install the scripts with
python -m pip install .
You may have to deactivate and re-activate the clean_asv_data
after this command.
For example, with input files under data/
├── asv_counts.tsv
├── blanks.txt
└── clustfile.tsv
Create directory to hold processed output:
mkdir results
clean-asv-data --countsfile data/asv_counts.tsv \
--blanksfile data/blanks.txt \
--clustfile data/clustfile.tsv > results/cleaned_clustfile.tsv
generate-statsfile --countsfile data/asv_counts.tsv \
--blanksfile data/banks.txt > resultsd/asv_stats.tsv
consensus-taxonomy --countsfile data/asv_counts.tsv \
--clustfile results/cleaned_clustfile.tsv > results/cleaned_cluster_taxonomy.tsv
count-clusters --countsfile data/asv_counts.tsv \
--clustfile results/cleaned_clustfile.tsv > results/cleaned_cluster_count.tsv
The clean-asv-data
script can be used to clean up an ASV cluster file
based on several parameters.
clean-asv-data --counts asv_counts.tsv --taxonomy asv_taxonomy.tsv
--clean_rank Family > asv_taxonomy.cleaned.tsv
All arguments:
This script cleans clustering results by removing ASVs if:
- unassigned or ambiguous taxonomic assignments (e.g.
'unclassified' or '_X' in rank labels)
- if belonging to clusters present in > max_blank_occurrence% of blanks
- if belonging to clusters with < min_clust_count total reads
[-h] [--counts COUNTS] [--taxonomy TAXONOMY] [--blanks BLANKS] [--output OUTPUT] [--clean_rank CLEAN_RANK] [--max_blank_occurrence MAX_BLANK_OCCURRENCE] [--blank_removal_mode {cluster,asv}]
[--min_clust_count MIN_CLUST_COUNT] [--chunksize CHUNKSIZE] [--nrows NROWS]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--counts COUNTS Counts file of ASVs
--taxonomy TAXONOMY Taxonomy file for ASVs. Should also include acolumn with cluster designation.
--blanks BLANKS File with samples that are 'blanks'
--output OUTPUT Output file with cleaned results
--clean_rank CLEAN_RANK
Remove ASVs unassigned at this taxonomic rank (default Family)
--max_blank_occurrence MAX_BLANK_OCCURRENCE
Remove ASVs occurring in clusters where at least one member is present in <max_blank_occurrence>% of blank samples. (default 5)
--blank_removal_mode {cluster,asv}
How to remove sequences based on occurrence in blanks. If 'asv' (default) remove only ASVs that occur in more than <max_blank_occurrence>% of blanks. If 'cluster', remove ASVs
in clusters where one or more ASVs is above the <max_blank_occurrence> threshold
--min_clust_count MIN_CLUST_COUNT
Remove clusters with < <min_clust_count> summed across samples (default 3)
--chunksize CHUNKSIZE
Size of chunks (in lines) to read from countsfile
--nrows NROWS Rows to read from countsfile (for testing purposes only)
The generate-statsfile
script calculates total sum and occurrence of ASVs
using a countsfile as input.
All arguments:
usage: generate-statsfile [-h] countsfile
positional arguments:
countsfile ASV counts file. Tab-separated, samples in columns, ASVs in rows
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The count-clusters
script sums read counts for each ASV cluster and writes
to standard out.
All arguments:
usage: count-clusters [-h] [--clust_column CLUST_COLUMN] [--chunksize CHUNKSIZE] countsfile clustfile
positional arguments:
countsfile Tab-separated file with counts of ASVs (rows) in samples (columns)
clustfile Tab-separated file with ASV ids in first column and a column specifying the cluster it belongs to
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--clust_column CLUST_COLUMN
Name of cluster column. Defaults to 'cluster'
--chunksize CHUNKSIZE
If countsfile is very large, specify chunksize to read it in a number of lines at a time
All arguments:
usage: consensus-taxonomy [-h] [--countsfile COUNTSFILE] [--clustfile CLUSTFILE] [--configfile CONFIGFILE] [--ranks RANKS [RANKS ...]] [--clust_column CLUST_COLUMN]
[--consensus_threshold CONSENSUS_THRESHOLD] [--consensus_ranks CONSENSUS_RANKS [CONSENSUS_RANKS ...]] [--chunksize CHUNKSIZE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--countsfile COUNTSFILE
Counts file of ASVs
--clustfile CLUSTFILE
Taxonomy file for ASVs. Should also include a column with cluster designation.
--configfile CONFIGFILE
Path to a yaml-format configuration file. Can be used to set arguments.
--ranks RANKS [RANKS ...]
Ranks to include in the output.
--clust_column CLUST_COLUMN
Name of cluster column, e.g. 'cluster'
--consensus_threshold CONSENSUS_THRESHOLD
Threshold (in %) at which to assign taxonomy to a cluster
Ranks to use for calculating consensus. Must be present in the clustfile.
--chunksize CHUNKSIZE
If countsfile is very large, specify chunksize to read it in a number of lines at a time